Jack Daniels

In the first few minutes of the film, as Frank Murphy and Lymangood took off from the pad for their first air patrol, Frank Murphy's boss and a guy called Lt. Kress looked on. And Lt. Kress told Murphy's boss that if it were him, he'd ground Murphy and he would not fly with a bull who pissed Jack Daniels. Who's Jack Daniels and what does Jack Daniels have anything to do with Murphy?


Actually Lt. Kress said that he wouldn't fly with him "for a bull that pissed Jack Daniels" Jack Daniels is the name of a popular wiskey in the United States. I guess Kress liked his liquer.

*Forever Cho Chang Fan*
Cho's story continues at: http://www.fanfiction.net/s/1552296/1/


Many thanks for the info. So that implied that Kress liked that wiskey and Murphy didn't? And that whole conversation was just meant to show that Kress didn't like Murphy?
(I'm not originally from the States so I might not understand some things that are very obvious to those who grow up or have been in this country for a long time.)


Well Your half right. Kress liked that Wiskey, and if he owned a bull that pissed Jack Daniels, he would be set for life, but it had nothing to do with weather Murphy liked it or weather Kress liked Murphy. Kress knew that Murphy suffered from PTSD (Post Tramatic Stress Disorder) and it caused him to have what are sometimes called "Flashbacks" where in his mind he is still in the Vietnam War. So Kress did not trust his ability to remain sane in the chopper. Kress felt that anyone who flew with Murphy was in potential danger. You see Murphy has many flashbacks throughout the movie, and its mentioned that he almost had an accident in a chopper earlier. Which is why the review board wanted to have him up for phyactric re-evaluation. If You want to see this condition elabarated on more, rent the movie "Firefox" with Clint Eastwood. In it he plays a Vietnam Vet who also suffers from PTSD. Any way Kress was just trying to imply that Murphy was unsafe to fly. Hope this helped:)

*Forever Cho Chang Fan*
Cho's story continues at: http://www.fanfiction.net/s/1552296/1/


Ok, now I see...
Many thanks!


By the way, that particular Tennessee Whiskey is Jack Daniel's, with an apostrophe-S. Jack Daniel distilled it, not -- as many mistakenly think -- Jack Daniels.


Y'know, when I first saw the movie in '83, I thought Kress was saying "...a bowl of piss Jack Daniels".
Made so much more sense when I bought the DVD and turned on the subtitles!
