Sick Bag full.

Malcome McDowell was airsick for most of the time he was up in the choppers, pretending to fly them. A lot of his sequances had to be reshot.
He was espicially horified when the chopper flew under the catwalk at the end.
After shooting had finished his wife said to the director "I don't know how You got him to go up in the helicopters! I can't even get him on a 747!
Also there was a helicopter crash while filming, but the chopper managed to auto rotate down.



Thanks for the "behind the scenes" info!

Actually, I thought Malcolm has always been making those faces in whatever role he played. It's due to his rather clownesque face I guess. He always has this look of disgust on his face.

Think you can trust your cat? Think Again!


When Roy Scheider was promoting this movie on the Tonight Show in 1983, he talked about Malcom Mcdowell's problems with airsickness. My brother and I have always gotten a kick out of Mcdowell's flying scenes at the end, when he really looks like he is about to lose it.



That would be a riot. It's hard to believe that there could be any footage of him looking more uncomfortable than he does in the official version.

"That's impossible!"


Scheider mentions Malcolm's problem in the Special Edition's featurette, probably like he told it on the Tonight Show in `83, but there aren't any outtakes.
