MovieChat Forums > A Christmas Story (1983) Discussion > A gun is not a Christ like thing to ask ...

A gun is not a Christ like thing to ask for and get for Christmas.

The little sh!t wants a violent tool of destruction for Christmas.
Not fitting at all.

Let me know if I'm on your ignore list.


OP, why would you be interested in whether you're on my ignore list? Morons like you are necessary to remind us how fortunate we are to have been born with functioning brains.


Wonder how many guns I've received for Christmas, probably dozens. You're the reason kids these days have lace on their drawers.


I did get a Daisy BB gun one time. And I did accidentally break out an upstairs window with it. Never shot anyone's eye out, though. Most of us kids had toy guns and we played all the time. None of us ever shot anyone with a real gun, at least that I'm aware of.

But there is nothing in the Bible against having guns. I am sure of that.


But there is nothing in the Bible against having guns. I am sure of that.


All my friends had BB guns when I was a kid, and I got a .22 rifle for Christmas when I was 11 or 12.


A BB rifle was looked upon as a toy, like a bow and rubber-tipped arrow set.


Exactly right


A gun is not a Christ like thing to ask for and get for Christmas.

But calling a small child a little shit? Very Christlike.

"Verily I say unto you, Whosoever shall not receive the kingdom of God as a little child, he shall not enter therein. And he took the little shits up in his arms, put his hands upon them, and blessed them." Mark 10:15-16


I agree, Carrot. The TC was probably just a troll who was intentionally trying to make Christians look bad.


A Red Rider bb gun is hardly a tool of destruction. When I got mine, you couldn't break the skin point blank. But hey, at least it didn't start house fires like the easy bake oven or the Creepy crawlers playset.


Agreed, the family in the film represents everything wrong with America. Ralph was a sociopath. Abandoned his friend, refused to get help for his friend, lied about his friend (resulting in his friend being punished), etc. And he wanted a gun for what, to "defend" the house and kill animals.


"a violent tool of destruction"

My, aren't your panties in a bunch!

It's not even a firearm. It's a f'ing BB gun that uses a spring to propel a tiny copper pellet that probably wouldn't even penetrate one side of a tomato can. Boys used to grow up playing cowboys and Indians, cops and robbers, or army with toy handguns and rifles. A lot of boys, like me, had BB guns. I got a Remington single-shot bolt-action .22 rifle for my eighth birthday, and I've got to admit, I destroyed a lot of tin cans with it. At sixteen, I could walk into any sporting goods store or gun shop and buy a box of ammo, no questions asked. I even had a 12-gauge shotgun when I was in high school, and thousands of clay targets died at my hands. The odd thing is that school shootings, and mass shooting events in general, were almost completely unknown at that time, in spite of easy to obtain guns and near-zero gun regulation. Today, despite more gun laws than ever in history, we read about massacres almost every week. It's clear that what's needed isn't more gun control. What we need is more control of criminals, terrorists, and psychos.
