Stranger Things

I can't be the only one who things of The Day After when they watch that show (Or vice-versa). They do such a good job replicating 1983, and both that show and this movie are very creepy. And when they're in that weird dimension with that dust flying around, which makes the characters progressively sick, I can't help but think of the characters walking through the fallout in The Day After. And is it just me, or does that girl with the big glasses remind you of Barb in "Stranger Things"?

Along these same lines, National Lampoon's Vacation is not the appropriate movie to cheer you up after watching nuclear war. But that was what was on the first time I saw The Day After. You keep expecting the Griswolds to get vaporized. Comcast trolled me too with an Emergency Alert test, so that wasn't very nice.
