sick to my stomach

I saw this on lifetime in 1988 or 1989 and it scared the crap out of me. Literally. I was 11 at the time. I was so upset that I had to go number 2. Would love there to be a more realistic 2015 version


The most realistic film about nuclear war is the uk made threads (1984) which makes the day after look pathetic.



Actually, both movies are from different perspectives and are BOTH worthy of watching.


My Dad made me watch it. He said my brother and I should get an understanding of the paranoia and military tension at the time of the Cuban Missile Crisis, as well as just how much was at stake. Shockingly realistic.
Terrifies me even today.


I was just thinking the same thing. I'd like to see this re-made for theatrical release, rather than a TV movie. It could be significantly more realistic as to just how terrifying & awful it would be. Ppl, especially those in power positions, need a solid reminder!

It scared the crap out of me when I saw it in the early 90s. I was about 25, I think.


Reading up on the Cuban Missile crisis and the Soviet false alarm in the 1980s shows how close we came to nuclear war. We are lucky to have avoided it.

I agree that a modern remake would be good, with up to date effects and higher production values.


Why remake when there is a known four version that just has to have some special effects complete?


The problem with modern films, is that they are completely unable to mimic a nuclear detonation, Terminator 2 exempted.

Most times, nukes in movies look comical and completely unrealistic.
