Creepy moment

When Monty is photographing the little girl's birthday party, he asks her how old is she. She holds up five fingers to show her new age. "Oh, yeah?" Monty says, "Well, call me up when you're this." and flashes his ten fingers twice, signifying 20. Considering that Rodney Dangerfield was 61 when he made this, he'd be 76 when the girl was 20. As they used to say in the Mad Scientist toy commercials: "Toooooo Grooooooss!"

"I'm in such bad shape, I'm wearing prescription underwear." Phyllis Diller 1917-2012


It was a joke


And a creepy one, too.

"I'm in such bad shape, I'm wearing prescription underwear." Phyllis Diller 1917-2012


Lighten up Francis


Willie, thank you.

"I'm in such bad shape, I'm wearing prescription underwear." Phyllis Diller 1917-2012


This is why there are no 61 year old fashion models, men (of all ages) will be attracted to good looking women (of all ages). Check back here with your opinion when you're 61.

If I've never seen it before, it's a new release to me!


I'm about to turn 53 and would take a 61-year-old woman in a heartbeat!

"I'm in such bad shape, I'm wearing prescription underwear." Phyllis Diller 1917-2012


We're not talking about what some guy will settle for. We're talking about what men like to look at. And it isn't old women.



Yeah, well contrary to what you say, most young women ain't interested in looking at some dried-up 61-year-old man either, and they damn sure aren't going to settle for them when there are hotter,younger dudes around,lol. And,yes,there are some men who prefer older women---you can't speak for all men and claim that they only like this or that---you can only speak for yourself.


We're talking about a 5 year old. &


You can check back yourself. There are fashion models out here who are 61 and older. &


I thought it was creepier that Monty stashed his weed in a puppet he used at children's parties. He didn't smoke it before or during the party, but still should have found a better place for it. If one of the mothers saw his joints he would have been toast.
