Allison and Julio

Now I'd like to say right away that I thoroughly enjoyed the movie. However there was one thing that sort of creeped me out.
Allison is supposed to be 18 and she looks that age. Julio, on the other hand, looks twice her age and sports a pedophile mustache for some reason. The motel-room scene looked quite creepy to me.
The funny thing is that Jennifer Jason Leigh and Taylor Negron are actually just 5 years apart.
Nothing against Negron, but he looked wrong for the part. They should have gone with someone like Ralph Macchio.


No. Julio is supposed to be the kind of oily creep that is a father's worst nightmare. Making Julio more tolerable in any way would defeat the purpose.

"You didn't come into this life just to sit around on a dugout bench, did ya?"


Kind of fits JJL's style as she usually plays girls that are taken advantage of.


"Can I call you Dad now...?"


Macchio would had been funny. &
