
This movie was not as great as I thought that it was going to be going into watching this and I guess my hopes were too based by assumption.

I love Rodney Dangerfield. The man is a classic comedian and always gets me going in whatever I see him in, even including this movie, but there just enough for me to say that this is a thorough enjoyment of comedic cinema.

It is what it is I suppose and even Rodney nor Geraldine Fitzgerald couldn't save the film or even the sometimes funny Pesci.


I agree. The humor was lukewarm and many of the jokes were telegraphed rather badly. I smiled some, laughed out loud maybe once, but it just kind of came and went, without offense or impact. It also didn't help that the movie has some serious pacing issues, and is severely disjointed, to say the least. We don't even get to the crux of the plot, the bet, until around 40 minutes into the affair!
