The Motel Manager

Did he run the gas station and the motel? They showed him in a few scenes in the film and they never showed him again. Did he leave to go out of town?


I wonder if he and some of the other townspeople were in on it too.


I think some of them (including the Motel manager) were indeed aware.


He was in several scenes, but then when Dan Challis goes to call the police after he and Ellie's factory visit, the motel office is deserted with just the TV on. He was no where to be found. What do you think happened to him? Do you think he was killed? In fact, he was never seen again after we see that the motel office phone has been bugged. Maybe he was killed because Cochran thought he let things 'slip'?


I think it was implied that maybe he was killed (off screen). I do believe Cochran wanted as many people dead as possible, if not for sacrificial reasons but for not leaving anyone left alive who could create a problem after all was said and done. I mean, like you said, he was nowhere to be found -- TV was on, etc. Would he just leave his business and step out knowing he could have been robbed blind.


Why over think a movie like this. Lets just call it a plot hole and move on


I think he was probably killed off screen. He was nowhere to be found; television on but he was gone with all the lights on. I think he was killed in order to possible prevent him from phoning authorities and reporting Ellie's kidnapping and the liklihood of another. I do think the motel owner has knowledge of the evil in the factory but either had seen or possibly knew too much too soon and was elimnated just for good measures and eliminate even the tiniest possiblity of the motel owner bringing in authorities just to save himself some trouble when all was said and done. I would also wager that those other residents were slaughtered at Cochran's command in order to prevent them from helping Ellie and Dan.

Also, it's very possible that the other residents of Santa Mira, including Rafferty the Motel owner were not so much aware of the ultimate plans of Cochran even though they knew him to be somewhat of a powerful authority figure with a lot of influence. They probably knew he up to something sinister but not THAT sinister. So maybe they needed to be eliminated. Remember, Teddy the mortician assistant and that homeless guy knew something sinsiter was happening in Santa Mira, and look at what happened to them.
