MovieChat Forums > National Lampoon's Vacation (1983) Discussion > Off Topic: Ever wish you can go back to ...

Off Topic: Ever wish you can go back to an Era?

I'm 30 year's old and I long for the days of yester year. I know it seems kind of bizarre, but ever since I was a young child I always would tell others I wish I was a young adult in the 70's or at least old enough to develop memories.
Granted, I would probably be a menopausal grandma now, but I would still have thhe vivid memories of the good ol' days. I watch old tv game shows and wish I could be right there in the audience.
I listen to retro Stevie Wonder and The Eagles and can see myself rocking out with an afro while adjusting my record player. I imagine what it must have been like for all the teenagers at school talking about the Michael Jackson performance on Motown 25 the very next day. Even if I can't go back to an era I have never even existed in, I often wish I can just be a kid again.
Sometimes I listen to music from the time I was a child and vividly imagine my mom younger; not riddled with arthritis that hinders her mobility, I miss the days in which I did not have financial responsibility and could just be a kid. I just miss the days in which people were more personable and we did not have celebrities shoved down our throats via social media. I kind of miss dial up internet. Even Myspace was not that bad, but now there are so many social media sites I can't even keep up and don't care to. Does anyone else ever feel like this? If you can go back to an era, which one would it be?


Yes, I often think I'd like to go back to the 70's era just for a day. The people, the culture, the quieter way of life, no internet, no cell phones, people making eye contact with you..



I would not want to go back to any era that I have already lived through. Been there, done that. I would like to visit the Fifties and experience the birth of Rock 'n Roll.

A dope trailer is no place for a kitty.
