Returns to cinemas


If it's playing at my closest theater I'll go. Jedi was my favorite when seeing it in theaters in 97.


Who would go to see this now? It seems like its on TNT every other week


I would go to see the original trilogy on IMAX if they were the original cuts.


But what about the Covid threat? Theaters are still too dangerous to go to


Covid threatened to blow up some theatres. The threat is real.


I didn't hear that however I do know Covid is still lurking around and the theater is the last place I'd go to


Feel the power of the original trilogy.

RETURN OF THE JEDI forced its way into the Top 5 this weekend as Disney’s 40th anniversary drop will score upwards of $5M this weekend in less than 500 theaters.

Yeah, that’s $10k per, guys. And playing on a lot of non-PLF screens.


The problem with these screenings is that it's one movie of a Trilogy. Maybe for the 50th anniversary of Star Wars they'll have the whole original trilogy in theaters at once.


Thats like 7 hours in total. You spend 7 hours in a theater, thats a sure fire way of catching Covid


I've done triple features before so I'd go if they did.


But you can get Covid? Are you trying to kill people?


I don't know what you are trying to prove but it's not 2020 anymore.


I'm am proving successfully that you are a murderer if you plan on going to a theater for 7 hours


You've shared your opinion, but you haven't "proven" anything.


Please, for your safety and others, stay away from theaters. Covid is still very dangerous


Part of the reason COVID was so extremely dangerous at first was because it overwhelmed hospitals and health workers and ventilators. The numbers where unprecedented.

With vaccines and treatment options, COVID is much more manageable.

I’m not sure that movie theaters are any more dangerous than schools, restaurants, office buildings, etc.


Well the talking heads at CNN disagree with you. And CNN is where I am getting my information


My point was actually that you didn't prove anything, you simply stated your belief. Even if you are correct, you didn't "prove" anything.

But I'm very disappointed in your reasoning. CNN said it, so it must be so. Can you explain what CNN said? Were you referring to my argument that COVID is less scary than it once was? Or were you referring to your comment that movie theaters are dangerous?


Beware of the trolls.


I guess the greater point is this is how screwed up this country is right now. You weren't able to recognize a troll post because thats how insane democrat voters are


Are you calling yourself a troll? That’s really sad.
