For Men Only Episode

At first this looked like a great episode when Cliff shares some of his wisdom and experience to a group of young men. But after watching this over the years, I realize that Cliff acted sort of smug to the guy who was expecting a child and didn't have a job. The young man simply told Cliff that it's easy for him because he's a doctor. Instead of Cliff empathizing with the young man and saying that he wasn't always a doctor and he's had to work hard, he gives a pompus comeback saying " I'm not the problem because I'm the one who has, a job" while giving this smug look on this face. In real life, that poor man would've walked out of that room. He seemed to be the one who needed the most help, yet Cliff wasn't able to reach him and give specific advice. 'Pick' is not enough advice to me. Even the singer needed to find a career to fall back on. As a doctor who delivers babies for a living, Cliff would've ran into many young parents in the same situation as the young man, and could've became a bit more understanding. Even though he did ask about a job, it was at least upfront

I wish the Cosby Show had explored Cliff and Claire's past a little more about how they had to struggle a little to get to where they are. They always carried a complex to their children like they were born as a doctor and a lawyer with money.


Dr. H was about all the silliness
