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BET's Centric and Bounce pull reruns of The Cosby Show

Bill Cosby reruns pulled from BET's Centric Network, Bounce TV

One day after court documents revealed that Bill Cosby admitted in a 2005 deposition that he had drugged women with the intent of having sex with them, two more networks have parted ways with the embattled comedian.

Bounce TV confirms in a statement to EW that it has ceased airing reruns of Cosby, and BET’s Centric Network — a competitor of Bounce — has pulled reruns of The Cosby Show.

Upwards of 40 women have stepped forward with allegations of sexual assault following the flood of accusations that emerged following a stand-up set performed by Hannibal Buress back in October, in which he called Cosby a “rapist.”

When asked by EW why the networks chose to pull the reruns now — TVLand pulled reruns back in November — Bounce TV replied that the network had only been airing Cosby for a few weeks. Centric had no comment.

Bounce TV is a digital multicast network founded in 2011 and is the No. 2 most-watched African-American network, according to a press release, and is carried by local television stations. Centric, launched in 1996, is a 24-hour music and entertainment channel under the umbrella of the BET Network geared toward African-American women.


Well I think they should still air Cosby done made his millions from the show, showing reruns of the show won't hurt. I think they still show A different World that was created by Bill.


I have the entire box set of The Cosby Show so i'm good, as far as A Different World, that's going to be a toss up. While he only appeared three times during season one, the show was his creation so we'll shall see about ADW being pulled off of TVOne or even Netflix.


I didn't see A different world in the Bounce lineup I think they pulled it. TV One I believe have it still on their network in the morning through the week. Bill Cosby didn't appear on A Different world only Claire, Rudy, and Theo.


"Bill Cosby didn't appear on A Different world only Claire, Rudy, and Theo."

He did appear in a few episodes the first season, mostly when Denise would call him. Also, Vanessa did appear in one episode, as well as Grampa Huxtable.


Yeah as of right now TCS is still on Hulu and Different World is on both Hulu and Netflix but I can imagine that Hulu will fall in line eventually and pull TCS. I know they pulled 7th Heaven after the whole mess with the guy on there. It's the main reason why I'm trying to watch all of my favorite episodes before that happens.

"I'd rather lose for what I am than win for what I ain't"

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Hell no! Why the hell should he get more residual checks to pay for a legal defense, more pills or worse, hush money? Now if they only do the same with Michael Jackson music. His estate deserves no more money after sheltering and harboring a pill popping pedophile.


There's no proof that Michael Jackson ever molested a child. Most obvious possibility is that Jackson slept besides young children and treated them as 'playmates'. Still highly inappropriate and concerning behaviour but not the same as sexually abusing a child.


He was found with child porn in 1993.
A child identified Michael Jackson's vitiligo spotted penis and balls before being paid off 22 M to not pursue a trial. Cosby did the same thing to shut up his rape victims and hasn't been convicted either.
Jacko gave children alcohol, which is also illegal.

These are all the classic M.O. of a pedophile, and he was planning to jump bail and leave the country to Bahrain if he was convicted. He wound up going there anyway, where I'm sure he was fed a steady diet of unwilling young boys to molest because the middle east is known for that type of depravity.

So no, there was plenty of proof. Just like there was plenty of proof OJ killed his wife but juries in California are star struck morons who let him and Jacko go, when they are clearly guilty. It's the same with Cosby. He doesn't need a conviction. WE KNOW. And WE KNOW Jacko was a pill popping sick disgusting pedophile.


It's called corporate pressure. Otherwise, BET Network would've never pulled the show and rightfully so.

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