MovieChat Forums > The Cosby Show (1984) Discussion > The Infantry Has Landed and They've Fall...

The Infantry Has Landed and They've Fallen off the Roof

Okay, so I get it, your daughter gets her first period, you want to talk to her about it, answer any questions, make the day all about her...actually I don't get it...whoopty doo, you got your period, so what? I got mine at 9, my mom didn't find out till the next day, she got a look of horror on her face when she realized what was going on, she gave me a very brief and to the point explanation for it, gave me a pad, and that was more or less the end of that, and that was good enough for me. To make a big day out of it and agree to do anything your daughter wants, who came up with this script?


I do remember my mother doing something similar with one of my sisters(sadly she didn't get a chance to have woman's day with my two little sisters because she passed when they were young) and I do know some mothers that do the same, I think it's a little hokey though.


I remember on the old Jump The Shark website, someone posted, "The Cosby Show jumped the shark when they had an episode about Rudy's period. Those of us who remembered Rudy as a six year old little girl did not want to hear about her period as a 12 year old preteen."

It's so ironic that Ozzy Ozbourne, the Prince Of Darkness, is so damn adorable.


What every happened to that website Jump the Shark? That website gave me a good laugh for days. They totally went in on some of these old shows.


Regarding "Jump the Shark," sadly, that wonderful website was done in by its own popularity. It became so popular it was bought by some humorless morons who removed all the sometimes over-the-top, but usually honest and hilariously humorous user content and replaced it with some drivel, causing the website itself to irretrievably Jump the Shark.

Regarding this episode, I am surprised no one has referenced what I would fully expect to be considered the most bizarre and controversial scene in Cosby Show history--at the end where Claire and Rudy sit down to watch the "romantic" movie Gone with the Wind with handkerchiefs in hand! Why handkerchiefs, and why romantic? Were they really going to cry from identification with the slaves, Mammy, Pork, and Prissy, or with their owners? What was up with that? I was astonished that the psychological consultant, Dr. Poussaint, agreed to let this scene air as filmed and did not simply insist the movie be replaced with some "romantic" film not glorifying slavery! Was it allowed to pass and considered okay because the film in question featured a wonderful performance from the first African-American to win an Academy Award? Was there any backlash at the time or since over this?


I'm actually shocked that they mentioned Gone with the Wind considering that Cosby hired an consultant to monitor every little thing, including avoiding stereotypes and since Cosby was big on anti-mammy and ghetto s**t, i'm shocked Gone with the Wind was the movie Clair and Rudy chose to watch... the same man that brought re-runs of Amos N Andy just so that he can have complete control not to air these episodes ever again. The same man that got into Eddie Murphy's ass about his "ghetto" routine. The same man that openly showed disgust for Good Times...


It gave me a jolt although I didn't know all that other stuff, including about Good Times, which I very much liked.


Lol my woman's day was finding a tiny book on my bed about sex.

I always thought that was a cute traditional thing to do when the episode first aired. I was eager to do that with my own daughters. We didn't. They didn't want anything to do with it.
