MovieChat Forums > The Cosby Show (1984) Discussion > Tempestt Bledsoe in the last two seasons

Tempestt Bledsoe in the last two seasons

Was Tempestt Bledsoe attending college in real life during the last two seasons? She wasn't shown that much by that time.


She was attending NYU at the time.... a real bitch in real life too.


A poster on this board said her sister told her that Tempestt was bitchy to her when she asked for an autograph. The poster said she wasn't sure if her sister was telling the truth for sure, but she said she would look at Tempestt in a bad light because of what her sister said.

It's so ironic that Ozzy Ozbourne, the Prince Of Darkness, is so damn adorable.


what exactly did vanessa do or say?


Remember the E! True Hollywood Story on The Cosby Show (or was the focus just on the "Cosby Kids"?)? The actors who played Martin and Clair's mother strongly alluded to Tempestt being moody and "difficult". I remember one of these actors saying something to the effect of Tempestt living down to her name, lol.


Yep, she was difficult and moody according to some of my friends that were extras throughout the years of TCS. The woman that played Clair's mother also said that Lisa Bonet was acting totally distant and that she rarely saw Lisa's mother on the set like the rest of the parents.


Well, I was going to say that perhaps Lisa Bonet's mother felt a little out-of-place and uncomfortable because she was the only white parent among all of the "Cosby Kids'" parents - but then an alternative reason for her absence came to mind. Lisa was about 16 (?) when The Cosby Show started - and perhaps Lisa's mother considered her presence on the set to be less critical than if Lisa had been younger.

I'm thinking if Lisa had been younger - say, Keshia Knight-Pulliam's age or even Malcolm Jamal-Warner's age - she would have been a more frequent presence around the set. But still - even though Lisa was fairly old when she started - she was still a minor - and I think if I were a parent of a 16-year-old working on a TV set, I would at least want a very good idea of what all was going on.
At the point when your friend was working on The Cosby Show, Lisa may have been over 18?

I'm thinking that people on the set didn't see very much of Sabrina LeBeouf's parents, either.


Lisa was sixteen going on seventeen at the time some of my friends were extras(they were the breakdancers from the first season and other friends have been on there as background extras during various seasons since Cos used NYC kids a lot).

As far as the actress that played Vanessa, she stayed moody, even after TCS. A lot of her castmates, including the actor that played Martin and the woman that played Grandma Hanks, have complained that she was a bit.... on the bitchy side and often wondered what was wrong with her. Even well until adulthood, she stayed crabby and when she went to college with my sister and her friends, my sister and her buddies steered clear far away from her because she would snap at any minute and make rude comments about people as if she was above folks. The guy that played Aaron during the 3rd season of TCS was an ex boyfriend of my sister's and he said that she was a bitch. I know a lot of people that ran into her over the years that had unpleasant experiences with her. I'm still shocked she's with Darryl Bell, the actor that played Ron from A Different World because he's mad cool in real life, a little on the shy side, but cool as hell.


She went to NYU at the same time as my younger sister(I graduated a year before) and Jesus she was a moody bitch. My sister and her friends tried their best to avoid her. She would walk around campus like Queen Sheba and act as if she was doing everyone a favor by attending NYU. I remember visiting my sister a few times and seeing Miss Vanessa. I never liked that damn character anyway and laughed that my sister complained about Tempestt when I always said that Vanessa was a black version of my sister. Also according to some of my friends that made it as extras on TCS, they also said she was pms-ing daily because she was constantly bitchy, stuck up, and moody for no reason. My friends did say that out of all of them, Malcolm was the coolest, Lisa was a little distant but nice, and Keshia was adorable and playful.



You have my sympathies....(thankfully my sister who's now 43, is a little bit more tolerable in the last ten years, but still has those Vanessa qualities)



Wow - I wonder what the deal is with Tempestt? I get not being a "people person" - and Tempestt clearly doesn't seem to be a "people person" - but how necessary was/is it to be that rude? Oh, well - I'm in a position to empathize with Tempestt somewhat - she just may be a moody introvert who struggled to handle the interpersonal demands of fame and of working on The Cosby Show.

I guess it can be difficult to go through adolescence in the public eye and while working on a popular sitcom week after week. Teenagers are subject to moods, hormones, inner turmoil...there are times when teenagers just want to hibernate in their bedrooms and lock out the world. But people in Tempestt's position are working around many people, and in front of a studio audience -which can stress out anyone - let alone moody, introverted teenagers.

But I've heard of at least one incident involving Tempestt that kind-of makes it more difficult to give her the benefit of the doubt - an incident that occurred (IIRC) well after The Cosby Show years. I've heard one fan (or former fan) recount an experience she had with Tempestt while shopping in some high-end clothing store. While shopping in this store, the fan and her friend spotted Tempestt, excitedly approached her and shared their enthusiasm over meeting her, etc.. For a second or two, Tempestt seemed "friendly" - but soon unleashed her inner b*tch. With a smile plastered on her face (perhaps to deceive other store patrons/employees who were out of earshot) - she said to the fans, "What are you doing in here? It's clear that you guys can't afford to shop here." The fans were absolutely shocked by the haughty display of bitchiness; one of the fans had to restrain the other from telling Tempestt off.


Sounds like Tempestt was spoiled rotten straight out of the uterus. What a shame.

Jordan > Kobe


I never liked Vanessa. She was always bland & annoying.


And to think she had the nerve to host a talk show! In talk show hosting 101, you need to enjoy talking to all sorts of people and being friendly. No wonder why it was only canceled after one season! lol Although she did have some nice outfits everyday.


"And to think she had the nerve to host a talk show! In talk show hosting 101, you need to enjoy talking to all sorts of people and being friendly."

I've heard many stories about how Oprah is not very friendly when the cameras aren't on, especially to her studio audience. She ignores them, but when the camera is on, she's all smiles.


I've heard the very same things about Oprah. I watched her show sometimes because that was the *in* thing to do back then, but I never ever really liked her.
She came off as cold & phony. She was also frequently rude to her own guests!

I remember when she was going through her first weight loss bit (with the Slim Fast diet). I must admit I was proud of her for her weight loss, but I knew somehow she'd never be able to keep it off! You can lose weight on those diets because of their calorie restrictions, but once you start eating again...

I've seen her in interviews & she is quite the Prima Donna. I don't see anything at all impressive about her, despite her working hard to get what she has.
Instead of being grateful for what she has, she is snobbish.

The very fact that she has so many millions yet STILL can't lose the weight is ridiculous! Doesn't she have a chef?! Personal trainers? Her own gym?

I'd say this cloud is Cumulo Nimbus.
Didn't he discover America?
Penfold, shush.


I think Oprah has been subtly rude to a few guests - though I certainly don't think she made a habit of this. She picked her spots. The one time that I remember Oprah having a rude, condescending tone toward a guest is that time in which the black woman who had contracted HIV/AIDS from her "straight" husband was on the show. I remember Oprah interrupting this woman multiple times and talking down to her, etc.. I figured that one likely reason for Oprah's rudeness toward this woman is the fact that the woman is a light-skinned black woman who is also slim - and I believe that Oprah may have some residual issues with being a darker-skinned black woman who has features that have not been considered attractive. Remember - Oprah has described being treated poorly by her mother as a child, while her lighter-skinned sister was given better treatment.

As for Oprah's weight problems - I don't hold it against her at all. Maintaining an "acceptable" weight can be a lot more difficult for some people than many people realize. The body can "rebel" against a person in the most stubborn of ways. If Oprah had Phylica Rashad's body-frame and metabolism - she would be Phylicia Rashad's size. If Oprah had Jada Pinkett-Smith's body-frame and metabolism - she would be Jada Pinkett-Smith's size. Don't make the mistake of thinking that everyone who is smaller than Oprah eats less (or eats "healthier") and/or exercises more - it often isn't that simple.

Speaking of weight - I've noticed that Tempestt Bledsoe has been relatively slim in recent years. Whatever she is doing - it's worked for her.







