MovieChat Forums > The Cosby Show (1984) Discussion > Wait... How did it go from an 8.1 rating...

Wait... How did it go from an 8.1 rating

to 7.5 in a span of two months?


Lot of people coming back and voting it down in light of the allegations.


Which is stupid. So just because the actor himself is accused of raping all these failed actresses and models, then the quality of the show has gone down? I don't understand.


I agree. Even if Cosby turned out to be guilty, it wasn't just HIS show(despite the title). By down-voting the show because of the allegations, people are taking their anger out on all the other actors who made this show the classic it is. What did they do to deserve that?




Simple. Although in a well to do fashion, Americans take their entertainment/propaganda (and themselves) way too seriously. As if a *beep* sitcom could define a race or socio-economic group for a generation?!!

The ghost of the same politically motivated blindness that allowed the Cosby Show to (over)perform as a dramatic piece of fiction has now returned in the form of a reciprocal and equally meaningless brand of iconoclasm.

Instead of self righteous indignation at a commercial vehicle whose primary function was to deliver marketing opportunities to advertisers, perhaps people should be asking themselves why they were so easily taken in by an impossibly gauche fantasy.

Color me cynical if you like, but I image that there is a part of Cosby that is glad the curtain has finally been pulled aside so people can see the reality of the situation.

May thy blade chip and shatter...


Dont know what country you're from, but lots of Americans appreciated the family image depicted in this Cosby Show. Many 80's shows had the same setup: parents with wise-cracking kids where every scene was a setup for a punchline written by retired white male standup comics. Lots of us appreciated the different kind of humor and family dynamics depicted on this show.
There were also some in the black community who appreciated a middle-class image of blacks not usually shown in the media. Finally someone they could identify with!


Agree with everything you say.

But didn't we take it further than that?

Are fictional people really the only way we, as Americans, can identify with others from different cultural or ethnic origins?

Cosby was able to exploit and cash in on the hope(s) of a generation (black and white) for a better life for themselves and their fellow American, while not believing in it himself.

I don't know about you but I object to being manipulated. If I can be swayed one way by the media, I can be swayed the other as well.

The lesson here, for me at least, is to acknowledge the intention of what I see in the media without basing my beliefs and world view on it.

May thy blade chip and shatter...


so easily taken in by an impossibly gauche fantasy.

Having a nice family is an impossible fantasy?

If that is so, things probably became that way as a direct result of liberals filling the world full of immoral trash.

If liberals stopped making/supporting/promoting trash and immorality in all facets of life, most people would be vastly more moral than they are today, and consequently having a good family would be easy.


Honest people base their beliefs and impressions on things they have witnessed first hand.

You keep using generalities to express opinions. Liberals, immorality, the world...?

What are your specific first hand experiences with African American families, affluent or otherwise? If you can speak from first hand experience, there is no need to use generalities.

I think people should not automatically buy into things that they have not witnessed first hand, even they are on TV. Instead, they should use their 5 senses to acquire their opinions.

I am an African American (first generation), who happens to have a doctor and a lawyer as parents and two other siblings who went on to be lawyers, and I can tell you that we are about as far from the Cosby's as humanly possible.

I applaud what the show was attempting to achieve, but in retrospect, I think it was an unrealistic portrayal of a family. A nice positive fantasy, but a fantasy nonetheless.

Given the fact that show was conceived by Cosby himself, I may question how sincere his artistic vision really was, however, my opinion of the show as a form of entertainment, its actors and its message has remained the same.

May thy blade chip and shatter...


No way is this show worth either a 8.1 or a 7.5 given that most of its episodes have little to no story in them.

A generous fair rating based solely on the quality of the show would be 4/10.


I know. People are dumb like that. It happened with some of Arnold's movies on here too. I remember how Kindergarten Cop was a 6.3 and right after his affair came out the rating went down to 5.7.

Green Goblin is great!



Wait... Isn't it obvious why?


Wait... Isn't it obvious why?


All of a sudden its a bad show now wow!


My thoughts exactly, I mean this show was a family household sitcom and sent out great messages and was a positive African American show. It just amazes me people can't separate a TV sitcom from real life, Cliff Huxtable is fictional, Bill Cosby is real.



May thy blade chip and shatter...


Really childish for people to ruin the good rating of this show

Jordan > Kobe
