MovieChat Forums > The Cosby Show (1984) Discussion > Cliff's Obsession with Daughter's Virgin...

Cliff's Obsession with Daughter's Virginities, Cosby's Rape Allegations

Did any find it creepy that Cliff seemed obsessed with his daughter's virginities? He had the gall to ask Martin if Denise was a virgin when they got married. Another episode, he asked Robert if he and Vanessa were having sex, using apples to illustrate what he meant. Yet, he didn't seem to mind when it was implied in several episodes that Theo had lost his virginity.

I wonder if Cliff's creepy obsession had anything to do with Cosby's own creepy pecadillos, in light of the numerous rape allegations against him that are surfacing.


It was Jeremy, not Robert. Dr. Huxtable and Bill Cosby are two different people. Cosby didn't write the scripts. No need for people to put their tin foil hats on.

I'm straight...applaud me for my bravery!


Radrobd is a troll anti-Cosby bandwagon jumper who pollutes these boards with his venom. He is to be ignored at all costs due to his inability to differentiate Bill Cosby from Cliff Huxtable. Perhaps if he wants to bash Cosby, he should do it over on the Bill Cosby forums.


LOL. I just calls it like I sees it.


Typical American male double-standard: daughters to remain virgins 'til marriage, sons expected to rack up conquests 'til marriage. Nothing special to see here.


So are you liberals advocating that daughters should be sluts?


Can women only be either virgins or sluts before marriage?
And what's with the political labelling?


Actually, Cliff expected it from Theo as well as his daughters, as seen in the season 6 episode, "Theo's Dirty Laundry."
