series finale

What happened during the series finale episode?
How was it all ended ?


It ended with Theo graduating from college.

"Is it written somewhere? You should do what you want".


It also ended with "Cliff" and "Claire" walking off into the studio audience.



The house exploded. Every series finale should end with the main locale exploding.


Denise called (since Lisa Bonet was no longer on the show) to announce her pregnancy.


Theo went off the deep end after flunking out of college. He basically pulled a Columbine and shot everyone in the house dead.


To be serious. The show ended with a Denise announcing she is pregnant over the phone, Olivia was going to join Martin and Denise in Asia, Vanessa and Dabnis broke up but are just friends, and the entire family prepares for Theo's graduation from NYU. It reflects with Cliff thinking back 8 years ago when Theo was doing lousy in high school, (scenes from episode 1) Afterwards the last scene Cliff and Claire dance in the living room and then say goodbye to the studio audience.

My job is to inform, not persuade- Dan Rather


I was being serious. That was the alternate ending.


Learn sarcasm. You don't follow up with "I was serious" because you just come off as an idiot.

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Go eat some Jell-O pudding pops.


Who are you talking to, My name ks Lydia?

My job is to inform, not persuade- Dan Rather


radrobd - or whatever that name is. Not you.

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Speaking of which, does anybody find it funny that radrobd's profile picture is of Moe from The Simpsons, since during the later years of The Cosby Show's run, The Simpsons was running against Cosby at 8:00 pm, and was actually siphoning off Cosby's ratings in the process?


Cliff got convicted of raping 30+ women and got sentence to life in Prison.


Cliff got convicted of raping 30+ women and got sentence to life in Prison.

Did they present any evidence to back up those claims?

Or did they just forget about needing any evidence, and take for granted that the sheer force of numbers within their lynch mob should be enough justification for declaring him "guilty" carrying out their "sentence?"


You took the words right out of my mouth.
