MovieChat Forums > The Cosby Show (1984) Discussion > FIFTEEN different women have come forwar...

FIFTEEN different women have come forward and accused him of rape...

...and some folk still are defending him.

Absolutely deluded.


Wow. Breaking news, OJ was found not guilty, the challenger crashed in 1986, man landed on the moon.

This has been discussed millions of times. You're late to the lynching party. Go post on the Bill Cosby boards. This is the board for the actual TV show, nobody on here cares about your opinion that actually have posted on here prior to this month. Bye.

I'm straight...applaud me for my bravery!


Thank you Brian


These people are really getting on my nerves with this. It's to the point where I don't think none of these people actually care about the alleged victims, these people are clearly bored and wants attention and make up wild crap. Just look at Bill Cosby's board now. Full of children that didn't get enough attention, especially those two posters, Imustkillthequeen and TigerLily86. Two Julia Sugarbaker feminist nazis that compared Cosby to a serial killer.

I'm straight...applaud me for my bravery!


Yeah, 15 women coming's all a coincidence.

It's also a coincidence that the allegations first started in 2005 and 2006, but have re-surfaced again.

Yeah, all coincidental.

The bloke was an absolute predator, that much is for certain.


And you're discussing this on this board and not the actual actor's board because? Because you think Cliff Huxtable is being accused? If you're accusing Bill Cosby, how about going on the actor's board? If you're accusing a fictional tv character than you're lame.

I'm straight...applaud me for my bravery!


I think it is completely relevant to be discussing it on this board. This was his show and a lot of the aleged events happened while he was working on this show. This board is not just reserved for the topics that you deem appropriate. Anything that has anything to do with The Cosby Show can be discussed including accusations towards the star and producer of the show.


No it's not new Cosby Show poster... Bill Cosby, the actor being accused of rape, has his very own board where you can discuss it. If you actually read the description of any television related board, it says to discuss the TV SHOW. For all the slow people: Cliff Huxtable isn't accused of rape. The ACTOR that played him is.

All these new people that never posted on this board, showing up and trying to tell people that been posting on this board for months and years how this board should run.  Troll behavior indeed.

I'm straight...applaud me for my bravery!


I don't care how long you've been posting here, it's a public forum. I have just as much right o post here as somebody who has been posting for years.

Discussing what went on behind the scenes of a show is just as relevant as discussing the show itself.


Another 90's baby troll with nothing better to do. 

Why don't you go play on your Xbox or watch Glee or something, whatever you kids are into these days.

I'm straight...applaud me for my bravery!


Is everyone whose opinion differs from yours a troll?

Again, not a 90's baby, born in 1980. As for what I'm into these days? Your mom.


…should have been pursued in 2005 and 2006. We do not want to hear that old garbage in 2014.


Use the Ignore feature then, idiot.



LMFAO @ kirsten1165. Another brand new Cosby Show poster adding nothing to the conversation. School must be out for you. It's clear judging by your post you can't be older than 18. Why don't you try posting on the Glee boards or something where you can make yourself useful dumbass.

I'm straight...applaud me for my bravery!


And this adds to the conversation, how? You're disgusting.


Calm down sweetie, you act as if Cosby raped YOU. This isn't about you.

Funny, you've never came on this board and all of the sudden found your way on here. Go take a Midol or something.

I'm straight...applaud me for my bravery!


So every time a woman disagrees with you they must be on their period? Also, please don't call me sweetie. I don't enjoying throwing up in my mouth.

I can go wherever I damn well please. What's your point?

Finally, I don't know what "you're acting like he raped you" is supposed to even mean. So if it didn't happen to me it doesn't matter? Just because you have a lack of empathy for human beings that aren't rich and famous doesn't mean that nobody else does.



lol at me accusing Cliff Huxtable.



Erm, no *beep*

I'm just laughing at the fact you're even asking such a question.

I don't give a *beep* where i post my thread, i prefer to do it in The Cosby Show board.


Your definition of trolling needs adjusting, btw.


The main question, is Cosby considered to be black enough by other blacks? Since that's all what so many seem to care about.



You, the OP, is looking for attention..clearly. This board is about the TV show itself and not the actor dumbass. If you have trouble separating the actor from the character then clearly you need professional help.

I'm straight...applaud me for my bravery!


…could accuse him of rape and I would not believe it. Anyone who takes the word of these gold-digging money grubbers is the one who is DELUDED.




I 2nd that @Woman



Exactly. The same type of people went after MJ.

"It's never over."
- The Tall Man



Fifteen gold diggers.

"It's never over."
- The Tall Man


This is a terrible conspiracy against all black men, all men, all families, and basic civil liberties in America. White and Women Supremacists have declared Dr. Cosby public enemy #1 for preaching his message of love, family and integration. The war against Dr. Cosby is a war of terror by people with an insane "all heterosexual sex = rape" ideology.

The World is my country, all mankind are my brethren, and to do good is my religion - Thomas Paine


...and some folk still are defending him.

Absolutely deluded.

Defending someone from the baseless accusations of a lynch mob is not deluded.

On the contrary: jumping on the lynch mob bandwagon just because many other people have already done so is deluded and dangerous.

Yeah, 15 women coming's all a coincidence.

It's also a coincidence that the allegations first started in 2005 and 2006, but have re-surfaced again.

Yeah, all coincidental.

Your argument there is based on an invalid premise that depends on the logical fallacy of false dilemma.

Contrary to your argument's invalid premise, the alternatives are not limited to "either Cosby is guilty, or all the accusers are making allegations based on coincidence."

For example, here is a plausible third alternative: once one accuser made false allegations, others read/saw/heard them and then decided to jump on the bandwagon by repeating those same false allegations, albeit sometimes with minor variations.

The bloke was an absolute predator, that much is for certain.

Bull crap. If that is certain, as you claim, you will have no problem posting some evidence to prove it. So far no one else in the world has done that. Maybe you will be the first. If you have the evidence, go ahead and post it. If you don't, your claim that "Cosby is certainly a predator" will remain bull crap.
