MovieChat Forums > The Cosby Show (1984) Discussion > Top 10 Cosby Show Moments

Top 10 Cosby Show Moments

10. In Dead End Kids Meet Dr. Lotus, Theo asks for $800 so he can get Dr. Lotus to use supernatural powers to help him get rid of a man making advances on Theo's Girlfriend. Cliff performs what Theo thinks is a ancient remedy but is actually a lesson about paying more attention to your woman.

9. Basketball legends Dick & Jimmy Vitale appear as movers helping Sandra & Elvin move out of the Huxtable residence.

8. Both of Florida Evan's husbands guest star. John Amos (Henry Evans on Maude, James Evans on Good Times) played Cliff's doctor in one episode. Moses Gunn(Carl Dixon on Good Times) played the title character in The Dead End Kids Meet Dr. Lotus.

7. In the closing scene of the Series Finale, Cliff and Clair dance out of the living room and out of the filming studio.

6. Muppets invade The Cosby Show after a bad sandwich gives Cliff A nightmare.

5. Any moment involving the Huxtable's neighbor played by the magnificent Wallace Shawn.

4. Rudy claims her new toy, Mega Woman, is lonely for her Mega Family. Cliff promises to take Rudy to the toy store first thing in the morning... to give Mega Woman back to her family.

3. Theo announces he's not going to college and plans to start a business with the money his parents would have spent on college. He milks extra money by claiming he would have gone to expensive Bennington College and would have had to pay for lab fees as a Chemistry major. Cliff and Claire agree to give him the money if he gets accepted to Bennington College as a Chemistry Major and doesn't go.

2. Trying to set an example for the kids, Claire cajoles Cliff into phoning his parents and confessing to a misdeed Cliff & Claire committed as Teenagers. Cliff's seems to be getting chewed out by his mom until he turns to Claire and says "Your mother wants to talk to you"

1. Cliff and Claire confront Vanessa's boyfriend after she breaks curfew on his account. When she interrupts from offscreen, Cliff shouts "SHUTUP!"


I agree with your list, mostly, but I think you should have included the moments where:

Elvin imitates Cliff while wearing his pajamas.

Cliff turns the tables on his family when they try to use Elvin and Sondra's engagement to zing him (and the final coup de grâce of that episode).

Rudy tells Kenny off; she did it great every time.

Cliff pulls the stuff off of Rudy's top shelf ("This is gonna seem cruel, but it's a part of life.")

Lest we forget Cliff's parents' anniversary, the song-and-dance routine and the portrait?

And finally, the tearjerking speech Cliff and Clair give to Denise at that family dinner before she leaves for college, and Cliff grabbing and hugging Theo yelling, "My son!"

The Falcon flies


1. The Huxtables singing "I Just Called to Say I Love You" with Stevie Wonder
2. The song and dance act for the grandparents anniversary
3. Cliff schooling Theo about not trying very hard in school in the first episode
4. The episode where the family shows Theo about the real world and money (a.k.a. Real World apartments)
5. The touching moment between Cliff & Claire and Denise when she finally chooses Hillman. Denise starts to cry and Rudy gives her Zrrbt
6. The get well island when Rudy is sick
7. Lena Horne on the Cosby Show
8. Cliff and the kids showing the older lady (forget her name) about what happens not taking her medication.
9. When Claire and the kids attempt to play a practical Joke on Cliff about Sandra and Elvin getting married and Cliff finds out about it and puts the joke on them
10. Theo throwing the house party when everyone is away


The episode were Vanessa is sleeping in the cliff and Clairs bed, and as Cliff goes to pick Vanessa up she kicks him in the balls, I crack up everytime.

Slainte 🇮🇪 I am who I am your approval isnt needed or required.


Basketball legends Dick & Jimmy Vitale appear as movers helping Sandra & Elvin move out of the Huxtable residence.

Just a quick correction, that was Dick Vitale and Jim Valvano. Valvano went on soon after this episode to die of cancer. His name is now attached to a college basketball tournament yearly, the 'Jimmy V Classic'. I encourage everyone to youtube his speech at an awards show with the message 'Don't give up. Don't ever give up.'


1. Claire Huxtable whenever she gets dolled up.
2. Dumb ass Vanessa and company and their trip to the big fun in Baltimore and Claire digging in that ass afterwards.
3. The final episode.
4. Dumb Vanessa and company once again being dumb asses thinking that Cliff and Claire would tolerate their loco-motion performance dressing like they belong on Club MTV only for Claire to not only get on that ass again, but to pull out the tissues in Vanessa's bra.

5. Theo and his crush on Denise's friend Suzanne(the lovely Robin Givens), walking around the house showing off. How I felt bad once he found out about Suzanne's boyfriend.

6. Denise coming home from college only to ditch her family to spend time with her friends from high school.
7. The family discussion they had with the kids minus Rudy after Denise friend had a UTI problem.
8. Dance Mania!
9. Anytime Rudy's chubby mute friend would run out of the house whenever the pressure mounted.
10. The dinner party(the bet on the most romantic husband) when Cliff surprises Claire with the bracelet she wanted as a teen and the whole time she thought it was that tacky barrette that Unitas Chantilly wanted.

I'm straight...applaud me for my bravery!


1. The one where everyone finds out about all the rapings.


You must not get enough attention at home huh?

I'm straight...applaud me for my bravery!


You must have your head up your ass to keep defending someone who has throngs of victims coming out of the woodwork claiming sexual assault. You are a complete and utter LOSER in life.


You've never posted on this board EVER. Keep that s**t over on the BILL COSBY boards. Cliff Huxtable isn't being accused of rape. Bill Cosby is. Quit being a dumbass troll looking for attention. This board is to discuss the TV SHOW. I suggest you with your intelligent immune deficiency self go over to the South Park boards and troll there with your kind.

I'm straight...applaud me for my bravery!


Great list you guys.

Here is my list:

10. Cliff teaching Theo to make the bed (I love how Theo tried to smooth out the sheets but flopped on the bed)

9. Olivia vs. Rudy dreams. I like the part where Cliff went to get hay for Olivia pony and rolled Rudy over

8. Denise saying goodbye to everyone before she went to college is a tear jerker.

7. The part where Vanessa got drunk so in the last 10 minutes of the show Cliff and Claire decide to teach Vanessa a lesson about drinking

6. The episode where all the men were "pregnant".

5. Rudy lip synching to that song, she was so cute

4. The episode where Cliff teach Theo about lessons in life and what it would be like to live in the real world.

3. The episode where Vanessa went to Bloomington (whatever the name of that town was) and Claire got on her tail.

2. The episode where Denise had her friends come over and they all were dancing and even Cliff and Claire friends stayed over and danced.

1. The episode with Stevie Wonder.


I love your number two moment! Man, watching that today brings back memories because my late best friend and his crew from Harlem use to breakdance and I always thought it was awesome, in fact, one of the Denise's friends was apart of my buddy's breakdancing crew. Such fun, and Judith Jameson in the same episode? My late wife studied dance and she considered her a role model and studied at the Alvin Alley school. My kids look at that episode today and laugh about how silly they looked dancing.

Oh, Vanessa's dumb ass and her equally dumb ass friends stayed getting into to stupid things. They went all the way to Baltimore to have big fun with The Wretched but these idiots believed some man was a roadie and gave their tickets away like they're from Middle America or some place. New York girls aren't naive at all. I was glad Claire laid into her ass.

I'm straight...applaud me for my bravery!


Glad you liked the #2 Brian. Thats cool which buddy was it that was apart of your dance crew? I always like how people used to dance back in the 80s and the breakdancing is one of the most creative dances I ever seen done. They look so flexible when they do it and their body just look like rubber. Like that tall skinny guy in that episode. Wasn't the one tap danceer Savion Glover on an episode of The Cosby Show? If not it would have been great if he was in this episode.


The dude in the blue jacket, the really tall one. I remember him being apart of my best friend's dance crew. They tried to teach me how to dance but I was just too corny and too preppy of a white guy. It was a wonder my late wife married me anyway. lol! She studied under Alvin Ailey and Judith Jameson(her cousin was my best friend that started that breakdancing crew, a dancing family. Lucky my kids got their dancing genes). Those dudes were bouncing around and did a lot of bending. My sisters and I were so impressed with them. Savion Glover's another one. He wasn't on The Cosby Show but I saw his skills on stage. Very impressive.

I'm straight...applaud me for my bravery!


Ok him that is the one that was doing all the bending and looked real flexible. He could get down I wonder what he is up to now.
Savion Glover was on Jamie Foxx show I thought he appeared on The Cosby show as well.


Yep, that's him. I really wished I stayed in touch with him. The last time I saw him was at my best friend's funeral thirteen years ago.

I do recall Savion being on The Jamie Foxx Show and I think he was in that Gregory Hines and Sammy Davis Jr. movie, Tap.

I'm straight...applaud me for my bravery!


1. The Thanksgiving Episode where Cliff had to go back to the supermarket in the torrential rain.


4. Rudy claims her new toy, Mega Woman, is lonely for her Mega Family. Cliff promises to take Rudy to the toy store first thing in the morning... to give Mega Woman back to her family.

lol, that was a good one. The funniest would have to be when Theo tries to hide his pierced ear from his dad and when Cliff gave him the talk about not working hard enough in school. I also like the one where Elvin tries to mimic Cliff.

You dodge a question like a character dodges a punch on Mortal Kombat.-IceJJFish
