MovieChat Forums > Highway to Heaven (1984) Discussion > The difference between Jews and Gentiles

The difference between Jews and Gentiles

From the very first episode.

Mr. Gold: I now know the difference between Jews and Gentiles. Gentiles are rude.

Me: Not sure why they had to make a jab like that.


I haven't seen the pilot yet, as I've just discovered the show on one of the more obscure cable channels -- you know, the ones whose only advertisers are for the scooter chair and payday loans. Nevertheless, and in spite of some very uneven (read: mediocre) writing, I'm carefully working my way through all five seasons, because I'll watch any drama that assumes the existence of G-d and an afterlife (unless it's aimed at a specific denomination).
The particular remark you refer to might have been meant as a benign joke. The stereotype of Jews is that we're rude and pushy. The surname "Gold" is usually Jewish. Based on those two facts I'll give the writer the benefit of the doubt (so far) and say that Mr. Gold was turning the stereotype on its head. It would be similar to saying to an Irish-American, "That's the trouble with you Irish. You always avoid conflict."
If I see the episode and find I'm wrong, I'll write the Anti-Defamation League.

"I've loved you my whole life."
"You've only known me three days."
"That's when my life began."



Who was that old Jewish actor?

I'm taking it he had been famous years before and they give him a role on the show. Otherwise (or even still!) it was terrible casting as the guy was knackered and could barely deliver his lines.

Was stretching believability that the old dear - who still appeared to be in full control of her marbles - would find him endearing for some kind of old age romance...


Hebes ! Always whining about something !


Probably not coincidental. Michael Landon was Jewish
