MovieChat Forums > Muppet Babies (1984) Discussion > Whatever Happened to Baby Skeeter?

Whatever Happened to Baby Skeeter?

Is there a twenty something former childhood cartoon star kept locked in the Muppet theatre by her relation Scooter?

I for one am a little concerned and disturbed.

*cue dramatic music*


I remember wondering where she came from in the first place as she wasn't in the muppet show or any of the films that I had seen before. Maybe acting wasn't her thing and she went off to pesue a different career!



I always wondered that myself but, everytime theres a new conteporary Muppet movie theres always newer Muppets added on, so why not a Skeeter? Would'nt be too hard to make her either seeing is all you have to do is modify an exsisting Scooter Muppet and make him female.


So they created Skeeter b/c they needed another female....and Skeeters character was of a tom-boy. Go figure...

"Speaking with the voice of bitter experience."


It's funny, because since the end of the show, several companies have made new characters and they didn't keep them as exclusive to what they used them in. An example is this, when WB made Lola Bunny in Space Jam, I doubt she would've been exclusive to the movie.

But seriously, after the show ended, I guess they only decided to keep her as just a Muppet Babies exclusive. Which IMO, them making her was rather pointless, despite wanting to make another female muppet.

"Don't blame me! Blame society!"-Carl "CJ" Johnson


Now that I think about it, they could've just used Janice from Doctor Teeth and the Electric Mayhem. She was the only other prominant female muppet that was recognizable.


Well Lola Bunny is still around on Baby Looney Tunes, which is clearly a Muppet Babies ripoff.


Yes, but Janice also did drugs, which couldn't be discussed on a Saturday morning cartoon. Also her activities on "The Muppet Show" had become outdated by the time this show debuted in 1984.


Janice was on one of the Muppet Babies episodes. I think one of the later shows that had Bean Bunny.


I wouldn't be at all surprised if in some future Muppet incarnation, and you know there's going to be one, Skeeter appeared because 1980s nostalgia is huge at this point.



Naw man, that's not cool.


She never really existed. The shows producers realized that they needed another female for the show, they had Red Fraggle come in. Noticing a similarity, they cast her as Scooter's twin sister, but otherwise let her play herself.


Scooter would be well-justified in locking Skeeter in a closet. She was always bossy and condescending towards him. I bet he's happier without her.


Anybody ever see this?:

Now we know what REALLY happened to Skeeter!


A lot of interesting Muppet characters disappeared after Jim Henson died. Instead we got Pepe the Prawn whom I have always found hideously annoying.


am wondering about that. They might have thought w Rowlf already doing piano---that Janice also into music would be too confusing for kids to keep track of. It's a condescending posture bc I knew Rowlf was a dog and into piano and who Janice was on the Muppet show as a little girl.


She died after a botched sex change operation.
