MovieChat Forums > Murder, She Wrote (1984) Discussion > Does anyone else hate the "tonight on mu...

Does anyone else hate the "tonight on murder she wrote" part?

I hate it cause it spoils the episode and I have to fast forward past it but you still see what's happening just not hear it. Also Jessica Fletcher's birthday is June 20 right? I think that should be national murder she wrote day if there isn't one already lol.


I hate it because I want to have the chance to guess who the victim will be and the intro gives it away. I am glad Netflix doesn't include it.


Right? That's what i'm saying. Also I think Netflix does include it, it just skips over intros when you watch back to back I think.


Oh, I see.

Well, I've actually missed those segments during the many years in which "MSW" were rerun in syndicate because of the nice little touch which they provide in summary, causing one to wonder what happens even though one has seen many episodes previously.

Also, "Next week on 'Murder, She Wrote' shows those same clips, which afford audiences a chance to preview what's forthcoming.

Now, I've been wondering how fans have been viewing episodes if there weren't being rerun on current networks, while there seems to be a mounting resurgence of newly unexplainable activity upon the board, and so I've been asking around on here, but to no avail, but I see now that you're able to watch them through new technology, so this is a good thing, true?

But so far the tally seem to be two to one against the "tonight on 'Murder, She Wrote'" part, which I have missed and missed for many years now because they really do keep you glued to the set to find out more and to stick around for the show usually.

If Sheridan were here, he'd be appalled.


It's like any sort of trailer, it ruins the episode.


It does now. Today anyway. I do not like it either.


Yes, i think it's completely pointless.


Then I'm in the minority, cuz it reminds me of when the shows aired thirty years ago.

I don't think I liked it then tho, but it doesn't spoil anything for me, as I've seen all of these so much, they keep showing the same ones over and over, so I already know who the killer is.


I like them too. It makes me nostalgic. Many of the shows did that back in the day.


Horrible editing job on the Jazz Beat episode today, cut straight off with Jessica and the killer standing in the cemetery, completely removed her 'end of the day' bit.

Here's Lucy does this, to great annoyance, but that's a sitcom, MSW is a drama, and cutting off just after the solution was terrible.


Yes! Way to not keep us in suspense.

Back in the '80s you had a few seconds to assess which network you wanted to watch at a given time, so the previews made sense. But with a captive audience it's so annoying.


Nah, don't hate it. Gives me a chance that evaluate if I should only watch for the guests (esp on bookend eps).


I've just started watching the show for the first time on Netflix and I HATE the "tonight on Murder, She Wrote" part. I thought maybe it was one of those things were they had it for the first season, then got rid of it as the show went on, but I guess no such luck? Does they really do that for every single episode?

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I liked it and when they began to delete for commercial space, I was disappointed. I watched this show from day one in 1984.


I think a lot of shows back in the '80s did that sort of "preview" thing. At least, I think they did.


I think you are right. I've been watching a few 80's shows lately, and while it may not have been universal, it wasn't uncommon. A-Team and Great American Hero were similar.

In fact, I was joking with my wife that these shows are basically in this format:

"Here's what you are about to watch" (The intro)
"Here's what you are watching" (The show itself)
"Here's what you just watched" (The credits).

The latter, because in the credits it would often show scenes from the show as the closing music was going on with the credits, etc.


Actually, the teaser before the show never bothered me... when the shows were new, it clued me into the 'tone' of the episode, and later, when the shows were being re-run, it let me know whether I wanted to continue to watch or flip the channel... same thing with the dvds... I can see the teaser, and know if I want to watch, or skip it... usually decided by favorite guest stars, or if it is a Cabot Cove episode, or bookend episode... I like the Dennis Stanton episodes!

How sad, that you were not born in my time, nor I, in yours.


I, too, love the Dennis Stanton episodes. The first time he was introduced as a character, I believe it is "A Little Night Air" that he shares with Angela is one of my favorite episode. So Urbane!


Ha ha. I skip over those parts.
