Worst episode

I enjoy Tales from the darkside but there's a few that aren't much cop (examples include - 'The shrine' and 'Basher Malone').

What do you think is the worst episode?


For sure the worst of the entire series is Seymourlama. I've never seen such a pointless and stupid story. There's literally nothing good about it. Even Divine is completely lame and not able to save this abysmal and stupid episode.


Thanks for the reply, kb541.
I saw 'Seymourlama' once. I didn't like it much because it's not really a horror, comedy or thriller is it? (Well I suppose comedy would describe it best but its not very funny from what I remember)


For sure the worst of the entire series is Seymourlama. I've never seen such a pointless and stupid story. There's literally nothing good about it. Even Divine is completely lame and not able to save this abysmal and stupid episode.

I agree. That is the WORST episode for the same reasons you stated; utterly pointless.

Happy Valentine's Day!


I am literally just done watching this episode and came on here specifically to say how atrocious it was. Godawful!


Any that were comedic or scifi for the most part, Tales was originally supposed to be horror only like it's inspiration, Creepshow.


Thanks for the reply, MonteCarloMan.
I haven't seen Creepshow in ages. Must rewatch it sometime.


I really disliked "The Satanic Piano." I thought it was pointless and boring and didn't make sense... and the relationship between father and teenage daughter was a little weird. "I wrote this song for you daddy - it's about how much I love you," as she looks at him seductively.


Thanks for the reply, pretentious hack.
I've never seen 'The Satanic Piano'.


Welcome -

Seymourlama wasn't great either..


as she looks at him seductively.

yea, that was very bizarre.

Happy Valentine's Day!


The Barter (I think that's the name of it)


Thanks for the reply, michael-watkins-laj7.
I've never seen that episode. Read elsewhere that its suppossed to be pretty poor.


Currently watching Going Native. Awful, just awful.


Thanks for the reply, Bullets1. I saw 'going native' once - didn't think there was much to it but its not the worst episode for me though.


Of the episodes that I have seen (I've watched about 65%) ...

1. Deliver Us From Goodness - I have hated other episodes but this one was positively irritating.

2. Grandma's Last Wish - Were we supposed to like the old bat?

3. The Bitterest Pill - Again, annoying and I hated the kid.

4. Everybody Needs A Little Love - Incredibly slow pacing and predictable ending.

Whenever you have a horror anthology that features a) the supernatural, b) a mannequin that someone treats as if they are alive then it is a GIVEN that the mannequin is going to come to life. You have to do something more than that. To spend an entire episode with the stupid mannequin sitting there with only some occasional (wasn't she in a different pose before?) views and then at the end show her coming out of the shadows was just so lame. While the previous 3 episodes were annoying, this was hack, unimaginative, writing. At some level it is worse than the previous three episodes.

* Edit * Comments on some of the other mentions

Satanic Piano - Agreed. Don't watch it, you will want that 20 minutes of your life back. Not only was the father / daughter dynamic weird but the villain was totally lame and unbelievable.

Seymourlama - Oh come on, the Asian consort chick was hot, not a great episode but there were worse episodes.

Barter - Not a good episode but I found the tribute to the 'I Love Lucy' show amusing enough to laugh at it while some other episodes had NO entertainment value whatsoever. For example, I found 'The Trouble with Mary Jane' to be worse than Barter by a large factor.


Thanks for the reply. I've not seen all of the ones you mentioned. Liked 'everybody needs a little love' although it was a while ago that I saw it. May have seen one or two others but need to double check.
I've never seen any of I love Lucy so if I saw 'Barter' I wouldn't even be able to enjoy the tribute to it.
Whats your favourite episode?


Best episode, for me, by far was: 'The Moth'
It had a great mood, and the dialogue and verbal duel between the devout mother and wayward daughter was extremely eerie. It kept me on edge and kept my attention through the entire episode. I am looking at the episode ratings and I have seen 16 of the episodes that are ranked higher than it and I don't understand why it is ranked lower than they are. Of the episodes that are ranked higher, I would put 'Hush' and 'Seasons of Belief' to be of comparable quality.

There is a quirky episode where I thought the writing was quite good, 'I Can't Help Saying Goodbye'. It was one of those episodes that the more I thought about it, the more I liked it.

'Miss May Dusa' did an excellent job of making you like and empathize with the two primary characters.

BTW it's great that you enjoyed 'Everybody Needs A Little Love', I'm not a snob or anything.


I saw 'The Moth' earlier today for the first time. I'd say its an underrated episode but I wouldn't put it in the same class as some like 'Trick or treat' (which is my favourite one) or 'The last car'.


I recently watched 'Cutty Black Sow' and it was an excellent episode, perhaps my favorite. It was definitely the best of the very few genuinely scary episodes.


Thanks for the reply.
I must admit i've always thought 'Cutty black sow' was overrated. I've seen it a couple of times and for some reason, I just feel that its really bland.


I actually liked "Grandma's Last Wish". I thought that Jane Connell did a great job and I also enjoyed seeing Kelly Wolf in one of her earlier roles. The ending was a little cheesy but to me it definitely was not one of the worst. I haven't seen all of them but I really didn't like "If The Shoes Fit".


2. Grandma's Last Wish - Were we supposed to like the old bat?

I always thought that was one was both funny and sad.

Sad because they completely ignore the grandmother, but funny too because of all the odd incidents that occur; esp. the ending!


The Grave Robber & The Moth!

THE GRAVE ROBBER was supposed to be funny, but at the end was gut wrenching! I first saw the episode as a kid, and recently, I watched it again on YouTube, thinking it wouldn't be as bad watching as an adult. I was wrong. It was worse!

THE MOTH: Clearly a rather silly yet scary episode. The fact that Debbie Harry was in it doesn't make it any better!


Thanks for the reply, saralynn1975.
I haven't seen 'The grave robber'.




Thanks for the reply, esagate. I saw 'slippage' last year. I thought it was alright. Is there anything in particular that you don't like about the episode?
