MovieChat Forums > Tales from the Darkside (1983) Discussion > The opening music and montage is....

The opening music and montage is....

Scarier than the actual show. My best freind and I always thought this when we first started watching this several years ago; I actually remember feeling let down after watching an episode because of the disturbing theme music. Of course, there's a few good episodes, but hearimg that theme song late at night always scared me more than the actual show.I wish Syfy would air the show again...I recall it used to be on heavy rotation during the all they show is those cheesy tv movies.


Hey jackiefoxybrown.
I posted about this also. To this day, whenever TFTD comes on, I mute or fast forward the intro. That voice-over, combined with the music and opening shots is sooooooooo creepy. 😨

They used to show episodes of this on Chiller, but no longer. I bought the box set from Amazon some time ago and it actually wasn't that expensive.

"You unlock this door with the key of imagination..."


the opening theme used to terrify me when was a kid.

i watched something that came on before it did and i would have to change the channel before it came on.


I watched this in the late '80s when I was a kid, and I had to turn down the volume during the intro, it was so creepy.

"Walker told me I have AIDS."
--Haley Joel Osment
