This show is too boring! :(

Before anyone attacks me for trolling, I am not trying to provoke anyone! But I find this show to be as boring as hell! Maybe it is just that I first watched many TALES FROM THE CRYPT episodes, and TFTC, as opposed to this show IS WAY OVER THE TOP! Graphic violence, sex, swearing, rape, etc, TFTC is ridiculopusly overplayed, and I love it for that!

I find this show to be way too understated and theatrical - some of the stories seem like they would work better as a theatre play than a tv narrative, and some of the stories barely touch on horror! And it is also ridiculously low-budget with some really hammy acting!

Does anyone else feel this way? I know I should not compare this to tales from the crypt, but after seeing Tales from the crypt, this show just does not compare! What do you think?

Definition of troll on IMDb - anyone who expresses a view different to mine.


I will say that TFTC and TFTDS definitely appeal to different tastes. It might depend on your age as well. I was born in 78 and grew up watching seriously scary and gory movies, so when I was a kid, I thought TFTDS was sooooo dull. It was always like well, is anything going to happen or what? I'd be waiting for something really gross and I'd always be disappointed. Meanwhile I'd watch TFTC and it would always blow my mind.

TFTDS is more comparable to the Twilight Zone imo - the 80's version. Just weird stuff that throws you for a loop, sometimes just fantasy type stuff. I can't remember quite how I got into TFTDS, but I love it now. I think a lot of it is nostalgia. :) Plus a lot of people particularly do love it for its gritty, low budget style, myself included :)

Ironically these days, I feel disappointment in some of the TFTC. Some of the eps have excellent, insanely gross gore - like who can forget Forever Ambergris? Ugh! But then some eps they really drop the ball and the gore looks so fake and lame. I wonder why.

You might want to check out certain episodes of Monsters - Bug House,Cellmates, Taps, Mannikins of Horror, and The Offering. These have a bit more bite than TFTDS.


if it had a slightly bigger budget!!! It just looks so fake and theatrical that it really bugs me... and some of the endings are so anti-climactic! You are watching it expecting some shock twist ending or shocking reveal, and then you only get some boring ending that is only marginally amusing, and certainly not worth investing 25 minutes of your time in!!!

I just watched an episode in season three about a neglected kid who takes a pill and uses it to become really smart and then he controls his parents... it was absolutely stupid! What a waste of 25 minutes!!

I actually really enjoyed the movie and found it a lot scarier than the poxy tv episodes! I am sure not all the episodes are that bad, but when only one episode in many is actually scary or even INTERESTING, it is just not worth watching! How sad.

Definition of troll on IMDb - anyone who expresses a view different to mine.


I know what you mean, it definitely is a different style. TFTC really knew how to come up with these totally awesome twist endings. My personal favorite has got to be Strung Along. I actually get goosebumps just thinking about that final shot of the dummy's new face.

'The Bitterest Pill' is definitely not one of the better episodes lol.

Some eps scared the crap out of me when I was younger, though. I was way more afraid of the Grither than anything I ever saw in TFTC :o


okay, well i'm 15 years old and i started watching Tales from the Crypt last year Christmas time. Yeah, lol Christmas time. But my cousin and i were at Target and i saw the 2 in 1 DVD pack and i rembered my dad and i watching when i was really young and i remembered the Crypt keeper.
So me and my cousin started watching and we fell in love! and now that i'm watching Tales from the's definetly not as good as Tales from the Crypt. I have seen 5 seasons of Tales from the Crypt, so yeah i'm a die-hard fan.

I seem to always be mad by the end of a Tales from the Darkside episode...they are jus so anti-clamatic and sometimes i'm just like "So what happened?".


IMHO, Darkside really comes from a different place and, to an extend, a different era than Crypt. An early 80's syndicated TV show simply can't go to the same places as an HBO show mostly from the 1990s. Much smaller budgets, much stricter censorship standards, and so on.

Each to their own, of course. I enjoy both shows but prefer Darkside.



i think that darkside is a lot creepier. the two shows def have a lot in common, but they really do have different styles. crypt always had a ton of humor to it were darkside was more concerned with creeping you out big time. they are both great shows and i grew up watching them both but i feel that darkside has a better re-watch quality too it. i watch darkside every halloween, when i got the crypt dvds i basically watched them only when they first came out. with the exceptions of a few episodes like well cooked hams, or came the dawn. season 5 has to be my favorite.


I liked Tales from the Darkside. To me Tales From Crypt was boring.


How can anyone find Tales From The Crypt boring? 0_o


The problem with TFTD is it the name and very creepy intro makes the show come off as a horror series. I only watched a few episodes when I was a teen and remember liking it a lot. Now as an adult and seeing marathons of it on chiller channel, I feel like most of the episodes were cheesy and more fantasy like than scary. Like the episode with christian slater where he's trying to let his grandfather know he's dead or something, it could have been made scary but instead it was just, well, cheesy! Though I like this show, I can see why someone would consider it boring


yes i rate all entertainment media with how many rapes occur per half hour


It's not too boring. It's too awesome!

Your chains are still mine, you belong to me! - The Phantom Of The Opera


I love both to be honest. TFTC has more action, a more modern feeling, and is more horrific. I love that. But sometimes I just want something quiet and nostalgic, something that isn't necessarily "scary", but sinister and subtly creepy with an eerie atmosphere, which is when I watch TFTDS. I'm a really big fan of horror so I don't think I could choose just one over the other like that. 😅

"The 21st century is all flash but no substance." ~ Smog City


Don't compare the two. Some episodes of TFTDS are boring and goofy. Some are creepy and cool.
