"Sorry Right Number" Question

Ok this was a weird episode, a woman gets a mysterious phone call from a woman crying, she has no idea who it is, she goes nuts trying to figure out who it was. Eventually her husband dies in his sleep one night. We then fastforward years later, and i think shes at a wedding? Or something like that.

So she goes into a bedroom and starts crying thinking about her husband, she then for some reason picks up the phone and dials a number. And low and behold herself from years ago answers the phone and we find out the woman who called her crying was her from the future i guess warning her her husband was sick.

I dunno it just didn't make much sense, i mean why did she decided to dial her phone number from years ago for? That part just didn't make sense.

Thats what i love about these high school girls, i get older they stay the same age.



This episode is based on a stephen king short story.

Have you ever done or experienced something unpleasant and wished you could go back in time and change things or tell yourself in the past not to do (or do) something?

Thats basically whats going on, the woman is so overwhelmed with grief and sadness that she somehow is able to communicate via time, to her younger self. She wants her husband to be alive so bad, that she knows exactly what to do even if she doesnt know how she knows or how shes doing it. Thats the only explanation we get, even in the short story we dont get much more.

In essence, her sadness was so great it somehow gave her the power to time travel via the phone.
