MovieChat Forums > Tales from the Darkside (1983) Discussion > The CW passes on Tales From the Darkside...

The CW passes on Tales From the Darkside pilot.


The CW instead would rather air idiotic tv series, I guess.


maybe it's for the best. I'm imagining something incredibly watered down; given some of the other programming, on there. I kind of want a Netflix Tales from the Darkside; as unlikely as that is.



i wish they could make it look like it was filmed in the 80s. i think that might instantly make it better, for me.


Watered down? How do you water down Tales From the Darkside? I like the show, but it wasn't edgy or anything like Tales From the Crypt was.


I don't know how true it actually is, but I've read that horror anthologies, for some time now, are no longer considered to be either popular or in demand within the entertainment industry that much anymore. If true then it's certainly a terrible shame for viewers like myself who've always been big fans of the horror-anthology format.

"Life IS pain highness. Anyone who says differently is selling something".


It probabaly would have turned out crap like most modern shows..oh well

I LIVE for 80's Horror!

Long live October 31st
So sayeth, the Kings of Halloween


me too. but all this talk of new horror anthology shows has gotten my hopes up. I'd rather watch a bad one than force myself to sit through the new Scream series.


I miss a lot of the older series like this. I used to watch Monsters all the time, I have still been hoping to find the few episodes from Nightmare Cafe, as well. I know it didn't last too long but I could never figure out why. Horror is on an upswing on television right now so I think they should at least give one of them a chance.

It didn't need to have some BIG storyline to it (ala Supernatural). Just a nice Monster of the Week show would be nice.

I halfway think it's because no one can write a self-contained episode anymore. They all think in terms of 'a series'. I've noticed it in books, tv and movies. Books in a series used to be each book had a self-contained story that was wrapped up within the book and an over-arching storyline for the series. Now people leave all sorts of plotlines dangling because, "Hey, I'll get to it in the next book". TV is striking me as being very similar.
