MovieChat Forums > Tales from the Darkside (1983) Discussion > Started watching and got some questions.

Started watching and got some questions.

Just started watching some of the episodes on you tube and these are the ones I've watched so far.

Halloween Candy
Inside the Closet
The Last Car
The Cutty Black Sow
Trick or Treat

I've got a few questions?

Inside the Closet - Was the monster created by Dr. Fenner?

The Cutty Black Sow - At the end did the cutty black sow take from through Jamie's dad?

The Last Car - Why did going through the tunnels do that?

What episodes should I watch next?

Thanks to anyone who answers my questions!


Inside the Closet - Never said for sure, but he was a professor, so I always assumed he was the mad scientist sort and the creature was some kind of experiment on his daughter gone awry.

Cutty Black Sow - Yes,the Sow was disguised as Jamie's Dad

The Last Car - If you poke through the message board, I remember seeing so pretty deep discussions on this. The train seemed to be some sort of limbo, and the tunnels showed the passenger's true form.

That's a pretty good assortment to start with. My suggestions for your next batch:
A Case of the Stubborns
The Madness Room
Seasons of Belief (save it for Christmas if you want)
The Geezenstacks
Bigalow's Last Smoke


Thank you.

Seasons of Belief was going to be one of the next ones to watch.


That one is one of my favorites. I suggest "I Can't Help Saying Goodbye" :)

And yes with "The Last Car"- I think it is limbo.


I Can't Help Saying Goodbye, The Milkman Cometh, Effect And Cause, The Apprentice, Miss May Dusa, In The Cards, but you've probably seen them by now.
