Dream Girl... wth?

I enjoy the series and hate to be a cynic but...

I think this is the least favorite episode of mine.

The story seemed incomplete, the writing was awful, and the pace was painfully slow during the dream sequences (and I'm not just talking about the slow motion scenes). Nobody seemed shocked that were stuck in a dreamworld! Why was everyone trying to sleep at the theater anyway?

The only redeeming quality was the director Caldwell looking fantastic in her dream outfit (yowza!).

Anyone here actually like this episode?


I used to hate it but it's grown on me :) .
It's very bizarre but once you can figure it all out it becomes alot more interesting.


It's one of my favorite episodes simply because of the extremely surreal atmosphere. It's really quite creepy.


Well I didn't figure it out. So what does the ending mean? Can someone explain? This is the most confusing episode.


My take on it is that Otto (the janitor) had somehow figured out how to literally get people into his dreams and turn it into some kind of alternate reality. So he picked people who had better lives than him and made them do whatever he wanted.

But while he was able to control their bodies, he wasn't quite able to control their minds. And the more people he brought into his dreams, the harder it was for him to keep control of the situation.

The group, consisting of Andrea (the director), Sid (the writer), Didi (the magazine-cover gal), and Joe (who had a past with Otto back when Otto wanted Joe to get him a job on a ship), finally figured out what was going on and banded together to take him down--thinking that if they could find him sleeping and wake him up, they could bust out of this world and get back to reality.

Andrea succeeds in doing this and then decides to go to sleep and dream to turn the tables on Otto--only to find out that Joe had already beat her to it.

The main flaw with my theory is that if he's sleeping in reality and they're stuck in his dream-world, waking him up in this world wouldn't do any good because that would just mean that he's waking up in this dream-world and not in reality.

And another flaw is that Andrea didn't even get into the dream-world in the first place when Otto was sleeping--He was clearly wide awake sweeping the floor.

So I'm probably way off, but that's the best that I can come up with.

Alternate ending: I just remembered that Andrea mutters "Dreams within dreams within dreams" while awakening Otto, so maybe that means that Joe DIDN'T beat her to it--that Joe had been sleeping and dreaming the entire time, and that Otto's dream came from within Joe's dream (So the question is: Whose dream did Joe's dream come out of?)
