MovieChat Forums > Tales from the Darkside (1983) Discussion > I dont get the 'Last Car' episode

I dont get the 'Last Car' episode

I just dont get "The last car" episode. Is she in hell? Which would make no sense because there is no prelude that she is a bad person.
Is she in just a general form of the afterlife? Then why are there only 3 other people in the car. If it was the afterlife, it would be packed.
if she is dead, how'd she die?
And if she isn't, then wtf???

I just dont get this TV series. I watched a couple episodes, i even went to the thread titled "Scariest episodes" and watched a few, and its just not...good.

But anyhoo, can someone explain this episode?


I agree with you about what the episode was supposed to mean. The old lady seems to have been on the car the longest, as she didn't recognize what the wristwatch was on the young woman's arm, and yet clearly the train car was of 60s or 70s vintage, and wristwatches had been in existence for some time by that point. The conductor seems to be under some sort of guidelines as to detain people on the train, yet nothing in the behavior of the four passengers gives any reason why they are being held in that car. Very hard to determine the theme of this episode, other than they were just unfortunate enough to board this train, and seem doomed to spend an eternity on it. A devil car perhaps?


I thought of this episode as sort of a dead souls in limbo to be delivered to heaven or hell by train.


I know I would be ticked off if the train was sending me to Heaven but I kept getting scared about why no one's telling me where we're going, and tunnel... tunnel... tunnel... tunnel...

No one really knows what the episode is about. There's a lot of theories floating around but I think the only person that can answer this is the person who wrote the script for this episode, and even then, I think it would be an unsatisfactory answer.



This ep is probably my favorite from the show. Now what I wonder is if Stacy had gotten on another car, would she have had her normal trip and been able to leave the train, or was the whole train a "ghost train" as it were? Also, if she had jumped off the back of the car when she opened the door and the wind blew her watch off, would she have escaped?

"House. My room. Can't walk. My medal. My father. Father, don't!"


I don't understand how you can say it's not good. This is real entertainment. We need more shows like this instead of the crap that's on TV now.

Your chains are still mine, you belong to me! - The Phantom Of The Opera


honestly, I'm more of a 'Tales from the Crypt' and 'Twilight Zone' fan.

"I bet your wondering what a place like this is doing in a girl like me" -The Mummy


Well, this is just as good as Tales From The Crypt, Twilight Zone and The Outer Limits. They are all awesome.

Your chains are still mine, you belong to me! - The Phantom Of The Opera


I took the premise to be something along the lines of the following:

People who die in a certain manner/time/etc. don't get the after life everyone else does. Kind of like how some ghost stories revolve around the concept that a ghost who died under violent circumstances or with hatred in their heart continue to haunt the place of their death, that sort of thing. I got the sense that none of the folks in the car had died a natural death. Nothing concrete to "prove" that, just a feeling.

Now, that premise certainly isn't a "fair" one, in that a good person like the girl in the main role doesn't go to a just afterlife. But, TFTD *is* a horror show, and unfair things happen all the time.


It was just a really long train ride.


For me, it's not about her being in hell, or on a one-way train-ride to hell, or in a state of limbo between heaven and hell, or just simply getting on the wrong train taking her to the darkside (although those are all valid theories).

I just look at it as a never-ending nightmare that gets worse and worse as it goes along.

Have you ever been in a situation where things don't go your way--where you just can't get a break to save your life?

And just when you think that things couldn't possibly get any worse...




