Season Two episodes

Best Episodes: "The Old Soft Shoe", "The Shrine", "Halloween Candy", "The Last Car", "The Devil's Advocate", "Effect And Cause".
What Were They Thinking?episode: "Fear Of Floating"
Worst episode: "Ursa Minor"
Nice try, but missed: "The Trouble With Mary Jane", "Lifebomb"


No way is Ursa Minor the worst of season 2.
That's a really good episode actually.
Fear Of Floating was pretty awful.


Well to me, "Ursa Minor" seemed totally unbelievable(as if one is supposed to believe anything presented)because it looked like they bought a $2.00 stuffed bear made in China, and stuck Christmas Tree lights in it's eyes. And at the end, just when the gigantic "bear arms" came through the wall and it looked like the scary part was about to happen - - the show ended! Total letdown!


Maybe by today's standards but I bet somebody crapped their pants in the 80s.

"Vile weed!" Newman, Seinfeld
