MovieChat Forums > Tales from the Darkside (1983) Discussion > Name all science fiction themed episodes

Name all science fiction themed episodes

Name all the sci-fi themed episodes Darkside had.


1) Distant Signals


Lifebomb is pretty sci-fi-ish, no? Also, The Impressionist.


Ya know, when I think about it, they're all Sci-Fi in a way because they all twist the hell out of reality, right?

So what I guess I'm trying to say is exactly what does IHHPSubmissions mean exactly by "Sci-Fi themed episodes"?


Sci-Fi meaning like stuff to do with space, aliens, time travel, technological advancements, inventions, devices, computers, etc.

Think of episodes that could've been on the Outer Limits.


Okay then, how about The Apprentice?


One that stands out in my mind is "Going Native" from season 4.


Of course MonteCarloMan! Now THAT is a great Sci-Fi episode--one of my favorites!


Going Native IS my favorite episode. Its something about the entire episode that moves me.

I write screenplays. Email me if you have the idea for one


Mookie & Pookie
Word Processor of the Gods maybe?
The Bitterest Pill
The Milkman Cometh
The Spirit Photographer


Those are great choices!

I may have to say Mookie & Pookie may be a little half sci-fi and fantasy, since there wasn't much of a technological theory of why the kid was in the computer. I do guess maybe he replicated himself inside the network of the computer or something, but some people think that his soul just flew into the computer.

The Milkman Cometh, I wasn't sure what the Milkman was exactly, it did look like an alien, haha.

I think the Word Processor episode in my opinion was purely supernatural, IMO, he just typed in whatever he wanted and it came true. Again there much explanation or any kind of guesses why it all happened.

The Bitterest Pill was such a silly episode, but it fits perfectly in the sci-fi field.


Hey IHHP, you know Darkside-episodes as well as any of us. Where's your contributions to the list?


Love Hungry, with the lady on a diet and food starts coming to life and talking to her, and the one with Fritz Weaver where he plays Sir Isaac Newton and he and some woman fly through the galaxsies riding a telescope. Sorry, I don't know the episode title for that one.


I think it's called Comet Watch


All a Clone by the Telephone ~ answering machine develops a personality
Ring Around the Redhead ~ interdimensional travel
The Apprentice ~ time travel device
Hush ~ invention goes amuck
The Enormous Radio

Is "Barter" one? Exactly what is Klaatzu, whose name is very close to "Klaatu". Whatever it is, it's awful!

I apologize if I've repeated any episodes. I was going by memory, but it's nearly 2 a.m., so I'm a bit groggy.

