Just one man's opinion

Okay, let's face facts, this is not a good movie. Most of the acting is way too over the top to the point where its more annoying than it is funny. The plot gets way too ridiculous and there really is no worthwhile storyline. That said, I absolutely love Tom Hanks in this movie. I find it amazing that somebody can be completely and udderly surrounded by crap and still put out an incredibly hilarious performance. In this movie, he's not funny for an unfunny movie, he is actually genuinely funny, and for that, I say kudos to Tom Hanks for making this movie watchable.

"I've got a weird thing for girls who say aboot."


Well, it was the 80s. A lot of sleezy, cheezy sex comedies were coming out of the woodwork. Some good, some bad. I like this one. Hanks really does make the movie. I wonder if he cringes when he sees it on cable being that his career has taken off lol.



I couldn't agree with your assessment of this movie more...the movie is basically crap, but Tom Hanks is undeniably hilarious throughout and has me on the floor every time I watch it.


What was the quote:

Dieing is easy. Comedy is Hard.

It really did take acting talent to bring some sensibility to this over-the-top material and Tom did it great.


I'm with you, bro.

It's not shocking, it's not funny, and it's not good.

The fact that they used Tom Hanks to revolve the movie around, as the smart as good guy that doesn't do anything wrong, but gets blamed, is laughable.

This movie makes Back to School look like it was filmed on an acid trip.



Just saw the movie and it hasn't aged well. Just wasn't funny and my favorite comedy is Scary Movie 3, so I'm not some high brow snob. I have to disaggree about Tom Hanks. Rather than being funny, he just looks like someone doing a bad Bill Murray impression.


I don't think this movie was meant to be nothing but the flavor of the day. It's nothing more than a goofy 2 hrs where the viewer can escape for a while. It certainly accomplished what it set out to do in my own humble hearted opinion. This is one of the best comedies from the 80's.

"Lookie! Built you a little fry house!''


Thats funny, I read your comment before I started watching this movie. He is definitely reminding me of Bill Murray. He comes off as the very intelligent guy, too smart for everyone that he plays it down and acts dumb just to amuse himself, like Murray.

If your constantly defending yourself, ever wonder why?... Troll



What you are talking about are not facts, but opinions.

I suggest you learn the difference.


are you kidding? it was hilarious and fun, lighten up!


I love a good comedy but this film was utterly terrible.


I also agree that this movie is not great and actually pretty stupid, but having said that it holds a special place in my heart. It's definitely worthwhile and memorable movie for sure. I find the jokes in the movie too simple and quite outdated now (it didn't age well), but a great cast of zany characters is what it holds all together. I also find the soundtrack of the movie is somewhat of a lackluster. Not enough of the 80s pop hit songs in it. I think the movie would've benefited a lot from it, just look at Fast Times At Ridgemont High movie.


Most of the great comedies from the 80's were built around the actors and their natural abilites to be funny. That was the great thing about them. Just imagine what Ghostbusters, Beverly Hills Cop, Fletch or Christmas Vacation would have been like without the great talents of the leading actors. They would basically have been worthless.


It wasn't a serious drama. it was light comedy and should be judged accordingly.


What are you, 95 ? Don't take it that seriously, and besides, if you didn't like it, why post at all ? Need the attention ?


It was atrocious. I can say I pretty much hated it. Why? Because it's a comedy that isn't funny at all. I've seen four year olds high on sugar acting better and more mature than this. Oh, and they were way funnier to watch than this...


Overall it's not good. It's just a dumb comedy that does make me laugh a number of times. Hanks is great in it, and quite a few of the supporting cast are good. Gotta remember that Hanks was coming off of Bosom Buddies which was not exactly high art either so this was a first step into movies. Splash came out about the same time and vaulted his career to the next level. I also don't think it's a direct ripoff of Bill Murray by Hanks, but it was influenced by him. They obviously ripped off the kitchen gadgets stuff from Stripes.

The two characters that needed to go were the whiny voiced suicidal friend, who just irritates to no end, and the guy doing a bad imitation of John Belushi in Animal House. Early 80's comedies were full of people trying to recreate the Bluto character, and they all failed miserably.
