MovieChat Forums > Bachelor Party (1984) Discussion > Why hasn't anyone mentioned this song? H...

Why hasn't anyone mentioned this song? Help please.

What is the song playing in the the scene where Brad cuts loose and starts dancing by himself in the hotel room on the dancefloor. It's very catchy and the lead singer is female. What is it and who sings it ???


Why Do Good Girls Like Bad Boys by Angel and the ReRuns.



The 'ex-con' persona was just made up for fun to give the band a somewhat fictional background. The singer, Hilary Carlip, is actually a very successful web designer and author (apparently she was on Oprah a while back), and Miriam Cutler (the girl behind the piano in the movie) now composes music for television and films. Check it out:



No point starting a new thread for something similar, so.....

Does anybody know which film or tv programme i might have heard the song that is playing hen the girls enter the male strip show?

I've heard it somewhere, and it is killing me, because for the life of me i don't know where?

Thanks in advance.


if you are talking of the song when the girls are entering the male strip show and one of the girls ( i think it´s debbie )that´s wearing a blue dress says something like: take a look at those guys, or something like that then the song is: dance hall days by wang chung

see ya!!!!
