Song Help Please

It is not on the soundtrack, but plays during one of the funniest scenes, when Cole is shooting arrows at the hotel and the Indian Pimp nearly gets hit.

Holy S---! I am going to get Milt right now. I am going to get the F--- out of here." Then Rick and O'Neal go over and see the arrows, and notice Cole across the way checking his bow. Girls are dancing to the beat of the song, a pretty funky number for the early '80's.

ANyone know it, how I can get it? No real good info on the Bachelor Party websites.


I think you may be thinking of "Who Do You Want to Be Today" by Oingo Boingo.


No, that is at the end of the party when Debbie comes in the room in her hooker outfit. This occurs when the Indian Pimp walks in and Cole is shooting arrows from across the way. A Bachelor Party website has a chat room on it and someone there said to me it was "Hall of Fame" by the Fleshtones. Fleshtones sing "American Beat" at the beginning of the movie when the women are working at the clothes store. That song made the official soundtrack, but not "Hall of Fame".
An exhaustive search about the Fleshtones on the internet produced the single for it, but no downloadable tracks. Too bad, I think it is one of best songs on the soundtrack.

Thanks for the reply, though.


The song is "Wind Out" by R.E.M.. It's on the Dead Letter Office album.


Yeah, I had replied on the BP message board that it was "Hall Of Fame", but I think that may have played after Wind Out by R.E.M. Wind Out is the faster, upbeat song, and is on the official soundtrack, and Hall of Fame is the slower, funkier song where you can the band chanting "yeah, yeah yeah". I think Hall of Fame is playing when Cole suddenly can't find them through his scope, and Tracey shows up at the door. Guess it's time to pop the movie in again!

