Horrible movie

I just saw this movie for the first time. It was incredibly annoying. First off I find bo derek to be hideous. she is supposed to be a virgin and very young, however she was like 28 when she made this movie. And she looked like she was 48. eh, what a waste of time.


Olivia D'Abo as Paloma.

The subject comes up often enough.



Olivia D'Abo as Paloma.

- Taylor Kitsch is 28 years old, and thus not too young to play John Carter, who is 30.


Yes, the fine English Miss Olivia d'Abo was a beautiful girl and is now a beautiful woman but I can't stand her in this film. In Conan the Destroyer, which was released right around the same time as this film, she looks like a beautiful young woman because she is not wearing a hideous, scraggly brown hair wig as she is in Bolero. Nor does she have to speak in some ridiculous "gypsy" accent; rather, she speaks in her ordinary English accent. The horrible brown wig and the sh!t makeup job on Olivia should have been considered crimes.

Bo's husband was probably terrified that the blonde Olivia would give his boring and utterly devoid of charisma wife a serious run for her $$$ as the main "lovely lady" in this hot mess of a soft porn. The horses in this film have more charisma than Bo Derek. I have never understood the whole Bo Derek thing; even as a young kid (I was a kid when "Ten" came out, and I saw it on HBO one night) I had no idea why some guys thought she was so great. I thought Christie Brinkley was gorgeous and Cindy Crawford -- now they had sex appeal (even though neither of them could act). Derek's face is not expressive at all, she seems very shallow, she can't act to save her life, and every move she makes is awkward and self-conscious --like "look at me doing sexy dancing! Hahahaha!" She has none of the incredible, natural sex appeal of a Monroe or Hayworth or Dietrich or take your pick from Golden Age Hollywood or modern Hollywood.

This film is so horrible and laughably stupid (the dialogue is truly horrible, and it makes Fifty Shades look nearly Oscar-level in comparison) that I can't even watch it as a guilty pleasure. And I agree with the OP that Bo Derek MAY have been 28 ish when her husband was directing her in this debacle but her face looks older than 28 (maybe due to sun damage). She's had a ton of plastic surgery since then so it is hard to tell what she would actually look like now.

"Hearts and kidneys are tinker toys! I am talking about the central nervous system!"


I've never thought that Derek was the most beautiful woman in the world, and I cheerfully grant that she couldn't act her way out of a paper bag. But she had a pretty face and a FINE body and was willing to show it off.

Of course, dAbo also had a pretty face and a fine body and was willing to show it off. Even with the dumb accent I find her more interesting in this movie.

I haven't seen Conan the Destroyer in a long time. I should give it another look.

I disagree with you, but I'm pretty sure you're not Hitler.
- Jon Stewart


Mr, if you thought that Bo Derek looked 50 in that movie, than you obviously have NEVER seen a 50 year old woman naked! The movie was no masterpiece, but Derek looked flawless. The only "men" that would look at Derek in 1985 and find her "too old" are pedophiles...


Well, it didn't get very good reviews for a reason.


You found Bo Derek "hideous?!" She was widely considered one of the most beautiful women in the world in the 80's. No, she wasn't a teenager in that film, but she hardly looked in her 40's. If women in their 20's are too old for you, i would keep you away from the playgrounds! I am wondering if you are either gay, or female?



This poster is in his 30s, but has a sickening obsession with teenaged actresses. The should be a very telling sign as to what kind of person he is.


You could tell she was no longer a teen, but to claim that the 26-year-old Bo looked old is absurd.

1956 Nov. 20 - Mary Cathleen Collins (Bo Derek) born
1969 Jan. 22 - Olivia Jane d'Abo born
1982 Nov. 20 - Bo Derek turns 26
1983 Jan. 22 - Olivia d'Abo turns 14
1983 Summer - Bolero filmed in Spain
1984 Jan. 1 - Roger Ebert reviews Bolero
1984 Spring - Bolero distribution delayed over MPAA rating
1984 Aug. 31 - Bolero released in US


Bo Derek, hideous???? Are you insane?


She's actually an okay actress, which you wouldn't expect. But, she's still on screen because she's a set of tits, and married a rich guy.


I like how they actually got the great Elmer Bernstein, of "The Magnificent Seven," to do the film score, but a lot of the movie looks like it was shot for TV.


This was never meant to be viewed as a normal movie.
