video game?

i thought this would make an awesome video game! you start out as a homeless person, doing missions like getting money, food, supplies, etc, but as the game prgresses you slwoly become more CHUD and you gain abilities (night vision, added strength, that awesome roar, etc) until you become full CHUD as your missions involve more 'food' gathering :-) you could totally watch the transformation and get a feel for what it must be like to be CHUD

anyone else thinks this ia an awesome idea?


never. If someone actually made video game, you would probably be fighting C.H.U.D.'s, similar to AvP. or something.

This is your brain on Cilit BANG! And it's gone.


Yeah,it'd definitely have to a FPS or TPS like Doom,AvP, or Gears of War. I would love to see that kind of a game made. In a way,the Resistance series' Chimera kind of remind me of the CHUD with the glowing eyes and other creepy features.


Actually, that has potential.. though I can see the main character being a homeless person who loses a friend, who then has to search for them and solve the mystery. Along the way, you run into Daniel Stern and Captain Walsh (and maybe a few other characters), as you have to survive living as a poor person.
