MovieChat Forums > C.H.U.D. (1984) Discussion > How's that an ending?

How's that an ending?

The car of the bad guy blows up and that's it? What about the CHUD's? did Stern and the other guy not get infested by the CHUD, er, virus? That friggin movie just ended somewhere before the last minutes!


That's what I was thinking. I got a good laugh from it, and I think it fits what the movie is. A fun, cheesy romp in the sewers of New York.

I fail at life.


It's pretty much implied that the gas would destroy them. The ending of the original theatrical and video version has a little annoucment where they talk about what happened afterward then they cut to the diner scene (that version moves the order of scenes around and loses some fairly cruicial ones.)
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i always assumed they died from the explosion at the end (due them chasing Heard and Stern) or from the methane gas being pumped into the tunnels. However, once you find out Wilson is the real monster who basically made the chuds what they were (poor souls who got infected by the radiation in the sewers) it becomes a moot point cause they are no longer the villains.


I kind of prefer that ending. I appreciate the inclusion of the extra scenes, but the pacing really does suffer (not to mention, we miss the neighbor yelling "Ghostbusters!" back at Kim Griest when she is yelling out the window).

Due to the theatrical ending, I just thought you had a block blow up, but essentially the CHUDs are still down there (as they are spread throughout the entire sewer system under New York).. not to mention.. I just love it when the credits start rolling and you can hear the CHUDs chomping away and smacking their lips as they eat the diner patrons.
