MovieChat Forums > C.H.U.D. (1984) Discussion > The C.H.U.D.s got my little brother!

The C.H.U.D.s got my little brother!

True story. It was summer 1987, and one day, he just disappeared without a trace. I'm serious! My mom was frantic, my grandma called everyone she knew, the mailman was going out of his mind, our neighbors were on the lookout, my dad wrote from prison asking for updates . . . but I knew the truth. It was the C.H.U.D.s. They had gotten him.

While it's true that three days later he showed up again relatively unharmed, pale, dirty, thin, and blank-eyed, I stand fast by my belief that it was the C.H.U.D.s.

Either that or my uncle. He WAS something of a pervert.



And I saw one when I was doing maintnance in a sewar.

Teddy: I am acting my age. I'm in the prime of my youth and I'll only be young once.



"The government needs to step in and keep this sport alive!"

Well, I am pretty sure that there are distant cousins of CHUDs out in Nevada(where they tested nuclear bombs) Giant ants?why not CHUD-likes? You have a whole group of wonderful creatures to choose from. And I am pretty sure the desert will be well stocked with these things.


Seriously, who's to say that something in a city sewer system couldn't mutate into a sort of hybrid monster?
Pretty creepy to think about, so be careful what you flush down the toilet people!



Well...evolutionary biology in general shows that something like that would be virtually impossible but...yeah, sure. :P


I think there's a C.H.U.D. in my basement. I'm going to give him a haircut to be sure.


Haw haw!!! That's awesome! I'm going to give him a haircut?! WTF?!!!

"Well I Won't back Down...No I Won't Back Down..."



I'm sorry. I meant no offense to C.H.U.D.s with my original post.

It's been four years since I wrote that, yet the posts continue. My brother is a father now . . . and he named his firstborn son Bud.



Jesus is not a weapon


I'm many years late, but I have to express my love for this post.

Sad story. You got a smoke?


"Either that or my uncle. He WAS something of a pervert."

Hmmm. Maybe it was a perverted C.H.U.D. See? You CAN have it both ways!

"An Archer is known by his aim, not by his arrows."
-Li Chen-Sung (Richard Loo,) The Outer Limits


you cant talk about us like we weren't able to access the world wide web,the sewers aren't without laptop wireless technology,we're gonna get you all you butt ugly,patronising ,city dwelling,pink hairless,planet ruining ball suckers!!

a murderer is a hero out of uniform.....



Dirty, stinkin' C.H.U.D. lover! Try lovin' some of this!


There's a C.H.U.D. in the White House right now. They call him "Mr. President."

When you masterbate, cover yourself with aluminum foil. God can't see through aluminum foil.



A CHUD comes to visit me every night... We play videogames and stuff...

What shall it profit a man, if he gains the whole world, but loses his own soul?


my babysitter was a C.H.U.D., sadly my parents were aware of that :(



fontana didn't have c.h.u.d.'s. only d.u.d.'s.

we need a healing aloe plant...



Wow, sorry about your brother. C.H.U.D.'s are a terror that don't get talked about enough anymore. More people need to see this documentary on the C.H.U.D. epidemic. I mean people need to realize they are still on the loose today. I've lost friends to C.H.U.D. and it is not something to laugh about. I mean, it just doesn't wash Bosch.


I'm sorry about everyones C.H.U.D. proboblems



Anyone see Godzilla vs. Megalon? I guess you could consider the Seatopians and Megalon to be C.H.U.Ds...Also, I killed a C.H.U.D once. I've got the body preserved and hanging on a plaque on my wall. He looks kinda like a mix between Micheal Jackson and that big creature Ludo from Labyrinth.

"..I was ABOUT to call you a crazy, pig *beep* dumb***, p***y piece'a S**T!"--Cap'n Spaulding

