The Ending...

They didn't show much of the monsters... plus, why did it end the way it did? Whatever happened to the plan to destroy the monsters w/gas?


well i assume that the explosion ignited the gas and fried everything down there.. or maybe they just wanted to leave it open, hoping to make a sequel... it was a pretty unsatisfying ending...

Belief in a supernatural source of evil is unnecessary -We alone are capable of every wickedness


The ending is dissapointing. I actually liked the less is more approach they gave the monsters, but the ending did suck.


the sewers filled up with gas and when the truck ran over the pothole it blew up the truck and incinerated all down below (including the chuds)


Hello, and great post.

It actually seemed that the ending focused more on Wilson's death, rather than what happened to our slimy green monsters (CHUDs)from the underground.

Wilson was the REAL monster anyhow, and the audience deserved that closure after seeing all he'd done to the city of New York. Wilson was responsible for the death of Bosch's wife, and actually would have shot Bosch if he could have.

This movie was about monsters, but it was also about political corruption and bureaucratic B.S. that was uncovered by two average "joes" Bosch and A.J. Shepard...two great American people.



Up until the release of the DVD, this movie had a different ending reworked by cutting a section with John Goodman from the middle of the movie (!) and reinserting it at the end. That left the film with a more downbeat conclusion (and sequel possibilities).

I prefer the DVD ending to the cable/VHS one. Mainly because removal of Goodman's scene in the diner renders the aftermath scene completely senseless.


Yea, even if the gas/explosion killed all the monsters below, it does not account for the monsters who had already escaped onto the surface.


Yes, and just because we only saw 4 at a time doesn't mean only 4 existed. There could have been dozens of them.

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