about this flick...

Ahhhhhhhh...nothing better than the ecological/disaster/monster flick. Hey, Frogs was great, Night of the Lepus, etc. It just seems that man can do no good. Just when we dump our waste into the sewars onto NYC's least expected, we get more trouble. Where the hell do the producers of this flick expect us to put it? DANIEL STERN: Well, don't make any waste. Fair enough...then riddle me this, riddler...where do e pout the results of the car you drive, or the air conditioning you breathe, or...wait, where does toxic waste come from? Does it really turn is into mutants with glowing eyes and super strength? I tried this on my borther, and now he's just an ass. Seriously though, this movie actually has some things going for it. ANYONE can make a crap B movie about anything they like and say it has meaning. CHUD has horrible reviews from nearly everyone who says they are professional critics. Ok...CHUD isn't trying to be WUTHERING HEIGHTS...it knows exactly what it is. What a cast. What a pure, cheezy 80's score. But nonetheless, as much as we like to tease this movie (the simpson's even spoofed it), it does have some truly horrific moments, and some really good acting. I guess we should thank the makers of ALLIGATOR for this premise, but I thank no one. This movie is what is, folks.


IM me at grrdevin if you can.... you seem like an interesting person.

I like cheese! It is cool!


A counter blog:

Ahhhhhhhh...nothing better than the ecological/disaster/monster flick. Hey, Frogs was great, Night of the Lepus, etc.
Yes. The movie "Prophecy," AKA "Prophecy: The Monster Movie," may be one of the worse of the B-movies I love to endulge in, but it falls under this category. It gets across with decent acting (Armand Assante and Richard A. Dysart!) and a nice lesson: Don't f**k up nature; it will f**k up you!

Where the hell do the producers of this flick expect us to put it? DANIEL STERN: Well, don't make any waste. Fair enough...then riddle me this, riddler...where do e pout the results of the car you drive, or the air conditioning you breathe, or...wait, where does toxic waste come from? Does it really turn is into mutants with glowing eyes and super strength? I tried this on my borther, and now he's just an ass.
Haha, funny! Of course, since it's man's destiny to screw up the planet with pointless waste! Not like it can be avoided or anything.

Seriously though, this movie actually has some things going for it. ANYONE can make a crap B movie about anything they like and say it has meaning. CHUD has horrible reviews from nearly everyone who says they are professional critics.
Yeah... amongst cult lovers this film is actually considerably well known. Ask a mainstream-loving teen about this movie and they will think "C.H.U.D." is the name of some beer brand. I have a book composed of Leonard Maltin reviews... What crap... He rated C.H.U.D. with a 'BOMB!'.

Ok...CHUD isn't trying to be WUTHERING HEIGHTS...it knows exactly what it is. What a cast. What a pure, cheezy 80's score.
In fact, I think it surpasses what it set as its limits... the acting, score (while silly) and cinematography are genius. I don't seem to have many problems with it. Why don't I stop here you ask? The monster suits. The stupid, silly glowy-eyed slimy Martian-esque suits. If you intake even a high volume of Toxic Waste(TM) you don't transform into some 50's cheezy alien monster.

But nonetheless, as much as we like to tease this movie (the simpson's even spoofed it), it does have some truly horrific moments, and some really good acting. I guess we should thank the makers of ALLIGATOR for this premise, but I thank no one. This movie is what is, folks.
Yes it is. True film-making my friend...

I like cheese! It is cool!


I actually LIKE the monster suits.

Why? Because they aren't cheesy. They look like monsters. Their skin is slimey, their eyes glow, their teeth are sharp, and the subdued, mottle-brown color has a ring of biological realism. I'm tickled pink to see a monster with some effort and panache, something inhuman and sinister. It would be cheesy if they just went with zombies or mutants that looked like zombies, another light "make up" job which consists of rolling on the ground for a bit, and acting that involves shuffling and groaning.

It's a MONSTER movie! It's supposed to have monsters.


Well, for what it was, the suits worked splendidly. They were memorable and cheesy. If C.H.U.D. is remade as a more serious film I would prefer real people who are exhibiting signs of radiation poisoning that aren't a huge stretch of the imagination. Maybe they'd mutate fangs and strangely colored eyes, lose hair, etc. but not to the point of looking completely alien.

In THIS movie though, it fits. I love the creepy glowy-eyed Martian phallus-heads.

"I've been living on toxic waste for years, and I'm fine. Just ask my other heads!"

