meet the writer

if you head over to gloucester, MA...look for a little nook hole in the wall calle dthe Artspace. deep inside its walls lies the creepy old man who wrote c.h.u.d., shep abbott. you can even see one of the heads of a c.h.u.d. creature from the film that he keeps inside an illuminated box. hes kind of a cock ass, but hey, its a weird piece of crappy horror movie history, right?


Wait... you met this guy? Kick ass! What happened?

"I've been living off toxic waste for years, and I'm fine! Just ask my other heads!"


i live in gloucester MA, where shep abbott lives in a loft called the Artspace. he used to put on local punk shows there but they had to shut it down after about 5 years because of fire safety hazards. it was a decent place while it lasted. but talking with shep, he was a pretty cocky ass-hole and he always tried to make it look like he was really cool because he wrote c.h.u.d. i did a mock interview of him once and he told me he was writing a sequal to c.h.u.d., in which i told him one already existed. well anyway, i guess if youre ever in gloucester massachusetts and you see a place called the artspace, thats where the man who wrote c.h.u.d. keeps himself locked away trying to think of a better idea for c.h.u.d. 2.


So he's basically a total @$$hole? On the commentary he seemed like a decent being. I don't think I'd go to Massachusetsetsets.. Ma.. whatever state it is just to see some stingy old goat who happened to have written one of my favorite B-movies.

"I've been living off toxic waste for years, and I'm fine! Just ask my other heads!"


yeah, i met him when i went to see a friends band play there, he came across as quite an ass. to be exact i think it was a show by said friends band (although they broke up, tis a shame) that caused them to get shut down as the cops got called there, my friend pat got arrested, ha

nice place tho, just cant say i was too impressed with the man


If I saw him I'd say nice things about CHUD, to get on his good side, then dicuss it.

What exactly did you say to him and vice-versa?

"I've been living off toxic waste for years, and I'm fine! Just ask my other heads!"


it was just idle chatter while i was waiting for people to get their equipment up, he didnt seem to much care for having all the kids there, and he was just a generally unfriendly fellow
but i never bothered to try to get to know him, i was there for a few shows, as i dislike being in gloucester


He seemed like a cool guy on the commentary. Am I correct to assume you've seen C.H.U.D., and had seen it before meeting him?

"I've been living off toxic waste for years, and I'm fine! Just ask my other heads!"


I would love to know what his motivation was to write the most boring horror movie of all time.

"I could eat a peach for hours."


Apparently there was some mixed-up story behind the writing of the film. Like, someone else wrote some of it, and it was rewritten, or something.

"I've been living off toxic waste for years, and I'm fine! Just ask my other heads!"


He sold the rights to somebody or soemthing....but yeah I live in Gloucester, I know him well, he's an unpleaset, alcoholic ass hole.


He sold the rights to somebody or soemthing....but yeah I live in Gloucester, I know him well, he's an unpleasent, alcoholic ass hole.



I actually work out of Gloucester. Where is this place located?


I live in Gloucester too. I've talked to him a few times, I don't think he's cocky.


It's not that Shep is cocky, I just think putting up with teenagers and young adults every weekend might get on anyone's nerves. Especially since nearly 90% of the people at his shows are clearly wildly drunk. The NEW Artspace is located on Maplewood Avenue near McDonald's...not sure of the exact address.


I go to the artspace all the time and i know shep personally and hes a cool guy. when you go there he gives u a chud stamp on your hand. He is a great guy who used all the money he made from chud to buy and maintian the artspace. He runs programs all week and he is at all the shows which are on the weekends and only about 80% of the people are drunk and 70% are just high.


I take that back. My band has played there and last time we played a was throwing kids out for moshing. I don't think we're playing there anymore. He's been a *beep* face lately.


Shepp Abbott? What kind of a *beep* name is THAT??


It's a uh... white Anglo-Saxon Protestant name!

"I've been living on toxic waste for years, and I'm fine. Just ask my other heads!"


Oh, and artspace shut down....again.


Huh? I don't remember that in the commentary...

"I've been living off toxic waste for years, and I'm fine! Just ask my other heads!"

