MovieChat Forums > C.H.U.D. (1984) Discussion > The Ending (Spoilers)

The Ending (Spoilers)

So the movie ends with a happy ending. I think. The van explodes, killing the bad guy. And the good guys walk away. But...uhh...what about the CHUDS? The reason they were in this mess in the first place? There were a good handful of the roaming around. And obviously, they had snuck their way above ground. Hmmm. :-/


"Badness is happening right now..."


I agree. A really ambigious ending. I guess all the CHUD's died in the sewers from the methane gas, or the producers didn't have enought money to film a more clear ending to it all. But who knows?


Um, did we not watch the same movie? At the end there is a news broadcast that says that there was a gas leak or something and that the C.H.U.D. were all just lunatic ravings. Then at the very end two cops (John Goodman and another guy) go into a diner to have dinner and then when all seems good and nice... the CHUD come into the diner and eat them. How could you have missed this?

Sorry I don't usually get all up in arms, but that's the way the movie I watched ended and it was awesome. Or maybe I misread your post and you did see the same thing, but yeah the CHUD still alive and well eating people.


The original theatrical version and the VHS version end with the two cops in the diner getting murdered by the CHUDS.

In the DVD version, that same scene appears in the middle of the on the DVD, the movie ends after Daniel Stern kills Wilson and the truck blows up...

Egomania is runnin' wild...


Yes, that's true. I atribute it to really bad editing. That scene in the diner with the attacking CHUD's was supposed to appear mid-way through the movie, not at the end. Someone in post-production editing must have intentionaly screwed up with putting that on. I'm glad on the uncut DVD version, the scene is where it should have been in the first place.


Yeah, the John Goodman scene appears to be in the correct place. I was also wondering what the hell happened to the CHUDs. They were just left down there for some odd reason. Forget a remake, let's get a PROPER sequel explaining more about what happened after that. I'd love to see that.


This was on monsters HD recently and they had the uncut version with the diner attack in the middle of the movie where it belongs.

it is a bit longer too. There is a scene where Lauren tells George she is pregnant and they discuss options. There is another scene showing Captain Bosch finding his wifes severed head at a nearby pier.


They fell through a plot hole.


CHUD is another terrific example of 80s trash!

They're eating her...and then they're going to eat me! - Troll 2


the bit with the two cops didnt happen at the end of the happened a lot earlier.what sort of copy were you watching?


oops sorry.i didnt realise there was more than one ending.i apologise.the way you describe it makes a lot more sense.the one i saw recently the film was good but the ending was *beep* where the van blows up and then it ends!

sorry again

