to all chud fans

my names jarrid and im friends with the writer of the origanal chud script shep abbot. I want to let everyone know what hes up to these days. he runs a place in gloucester mass called the art space.( ) Wat he does there is an amazing service for the community he allows bands to play every weekend and hold art classes and gallerys for local artists during the week. i met shep by playin in a band that would not be where we are with out the art space. unfortunatly the artspace is in trouble these low on funds it survives month to month for rent so if anybody would like to help out our fav 80s horror writer visit the site or if you happen to be in Gloucester mass check the place out it rules. my band myspace is

PS:hes written a sequal to chud wouldnt it be amazing to see it get off the ground


from what i've heard, tim cox is supposedly doing the remake.

"I have something to say.. it's better to burn out than to fade away!"


I used to work in Gloucester. True story.
Click here to read my scripts!


If you're friends with a writer you should ask him for grammar, spelling, and punctuation lessons.

My pain is constant and sharp and I do not hope for a better world for anyone.


I thought the sequel already came out in 1989.


Man, I damned near needed therapy as a kid after the end of that movie...the sound of 'em eating and screams....scared me *beep*
