MovieChat Forums > C.H.U.D. (1984) Discussion > C.H.U.D. III - Back To The City?

C.H.U.D. III - Back To The City?

I think this series is aching for another sequel! After the mess in part two, I think someone could conjure up a real comeback in part three.

I was also thinking a great match-up would be C.H.U.D. vs The Intruder (from "The Intruder Within"), since both creature's emerge from the underground.

Let's get creative and bring the horror back...




C.H.U.D. III should star John Goodman as the same character he played in the first one.

It's been over 20 years and the undergroud is safe, but one lone police officer (Goodman) still can't get over what he saw that night at the diner and struggles with why he was the only surviver.

He'd be terrified by the monster in his mind, not the one under the streets.




Yes, the Goodman character died.


No, he just got a little roughed up. He's back on his feet and fine now.



Well, I was joking around on one of the other threads about CHUD-likes being in the Nevada desert. I think testing/storage of nuclear chemcials could give the same effect and mutation that the CHUDs underwent. It sounds like it could be a possible spinoff if not sequel to a CHUD franchise.


Titus, I think I've seen that movie before, but it was called "The Hills Have Eyes," which preceded CHUD if I'm not mistaken.

I would like to see another CHUD flick, but it seems to me that creature-features aren't the rave today. For example, The Descent was much better than most offerings nowadays, and it didn't do all that well. All horror now is basically crap, like Hostel or the Grudge, i.e, over the top gore taking itself way too seriously or pasty white ghost girls that ceased being scary after the first "Ring" movie. So making this movie wouldn't accomplish anything but a straight to DVD debacle.

"You can't out-act me, boy. Don't even try." Alec Baldwin - "Team America: World Police"


Months later...

LOL. You are right. I didnt think about that one when I posted this message originally.
I agree with you. The Descent was awesome. Different and better than The Cave. I look foward to Neil Marshall's new movie Doomsday.
As for creature features, there is a whole DVD market for them. They are usually pretty bad too.
With horror, I agree. Remaking foreign horror films about scary paisely children has been overdone. Zombie films( save a few) are getting pretty out of hand too. I guess whatever sells gets a larger market. It seems that the big trend in horror right now is the remake(or "reimagining"). I guess everybody is running out of original ideas :(


Long time Kevin Smith assosiate Bryan Johnson who made his directorial debut with "Vulgar" wrote a screenplay for C.H.U.D. III which looked like it was going to happen until the rights were proving to be more trouble than they were worth. Go search the old forums on or this old Friday the 13th post seems to contain the information I had read before...


Hard to believe that Brian Robbins (Head of the Class, C.H.U.D. II) went on to direct "Good Burger", "Varsity Blues", and co-created "Smallville."


I don't know, it's not that hard to believe really...if you loved working in the film industry, would YOU ever show your face in front of the camera again??


Neil Patrick Harris came back to T.V. after "Stark Raving Mad" and "Starship Troopers."


Sequals are always better than remakes, IMO.


You have obviously never seen the remake of "The Fly."


I just want to see...

C.H.U.D. III, The one we didn't f&#@ up.


Do you even know what your saying? chud was one of the worst movies ive ever seen, it was terrible and i hope a third one is never put upon mankind. EVER.


No.More than likely the C.H.U.D and the Intruder would be horrible animation mess ups.

Chud 3 would be good,if it has a good plot.
