Favorite quote(s)?

"You saw it... you saw the monster!" - A.J.

"Gwraaaaaaeyuuuuuuuaaaaaargh!!" - Creature

I like cheese! It is cool!



Holy flying crapburgers! You're the second one to post on here (unless someone posted another thread and I'm too lazy to check)!
But of course, my favorite line from the whole movie, and I forgot to put it up!
Who can forget: "Two gas company guys just found it; a cannibalistic humanoid underground dweller, a C.H.U.D. Satisfied?"

I like cheese! It is cool!



Oh god.... Bad Taste... I could spend hours quoting that one.

"Aren't I lucky, I got a chunky bit! ::gurgle::"

"The bastards have landed!"
"The bastards have landed!"

"I can't do that, I'm a Derek.... Dereks don't run."

"Suck my spinning steel sh!thead!"

"You'll never believe what I just had to do!"
"Eeeh, did ya have to drink some chuck?"

.... and of course, the greatest one of them all:


EDIT: Crazy guy huh? I can only assume you're referring to Val played by Graham Beckal...Beckle... Beckel... whatever. He was brilliant. If I ever have to play a character like that I'm going to steal his performance.

I like cheese! It is cool!


"I run the soup kitchen."
"Thank God they deliver!"


Upon hearing that exchange for the first time, my head spun around like Beetlejuice and exploded ten times. It was just that bad.

"I've been living off toxic waste for years, and I'm fine! Just ask my other heads!"




Hahahaha, what a great story! I'm amazed a film like that got such a huge release.

"I've been living off toxic waste for years, and I'm fine! Just ask my other heads!"
