MovieChat Forums > C.H.U.D. (1984) Discussion > What the title stands for

What the title stands for

First and foremost, apologies if this is already posted and I've missed it.

Interested in Kim Greist (esp. from Brazil 1985) I came here but couldn't find it written what C.H.U.D. stands for (esp. curious as it's a tool I use for work, but that later)

Reading through, I found a URL and followed it to

.. which states originally "Cannibalistic Humanoid Underground Dwellers" but that there might have been an attempt to make another meaning which was less comical, but skimming the whole page, nothing caught my eye.

Arranging software mainly for schools, I'm often ensuring the installation of the CHUD tools (Common Hardware Understanding and Development) which are small, can tell you alot about how to speed software up (hence updates are faster), but I install them because they include a 'Processor' control panel I like.

...... but this is about movies, not computers, and I'm going to look for this one I think. I've just chopped that last paragraph because of that.

Cheers to the others writing postings, and cheers also to the fans of the movie. It'd be a delight to raise a glass to (or with) Kim Greist too, so here's to her acting and to seeking to see more of it.


cannibalistic humanoid underground dweller was a front to scare people off from the true meaning of CHUD. contaminated hazardous urban disposal........ I believe it was. the city had deposited toxic waste underneath the city of New York and attempted to cover it up until strange things began happening....


This isn't very P.C., but an old girl friend of mine worked with a woman at a small grocery store here in a Midwest collge town, which was commonly visited by people returning deposit cans and bottles they had scavenged from around the community.

According to this woman, the can redeemers tendency was to be at least one of the following: male, unemployed, homeless, alcholic, asian college graduate students, mentally handicapped, or psychologcally handicapped.

Now mind you I wouldn't call myself a bigot, but the colloquialism she used for these people I still get a chuckle out of after many years.... H.unting U.rban D.erelicts

I guess she used to always take her break in the afternoon, said my friend once, "because this is the time of day when the C.H.U.Ds come in".

PS I got a laugh out of the software reference to CHUD; I'm sure there are some other interesting uses of the acronym out there as well.
