remaking C.H.U.D.

are people aware of that they are remaking CHUD for 2007? check out for the info. I think the original was cool, but it was weak. Of all the remakes we've had, I think this is definately worthy of such.



The mole people will finally have their day in the sun! oh... um. YES, at last, the subterraneans may rule the crust dwellers!!! ATTTAAAACCCKKK!!!!

Sorry... I heart CHUD. That's been like the best urban myth since forever. Alligators in the sewers... nah. Hideously deformed lizard/moleman humans, consuming vagrants and stealing lawn furniture, yep, that's them. I know there's like real people living in the subways, not to poke fun at them, but the original hysteria to evolve into a myth of CHUDtastical levels needs a much better CHUD movie, and I am quite CHUD happy about a new CHUD in town. I hope there's totally insane hype, promotions underground, stupid stuff like that. I want to see ET and Xtra interviewers, and models, going underground to interview homeless, and discuss the CHUD movie. Am I evil and wrong to think like this?


Kevin Smith once mentioned a C.H.U.D. remake, but said that it was almost impossible to find who OFFICIALLY had the rights to the film. Supposedly, many people have tried to remake this, but couldn't even get to the planning stages due to the above reason. I'm glad it's finally happening because, though I LOVE C.H.U.D., it could've been so much more.

"...I was GONNA call you a crazy, pig *beep* dumb***, p***y piece'a S**T!"--Cap'n Spaulding



here's the direct link, this movie was suprisingly never supposed to be a campy b movie, it was supposed to be on par with the effects in "alien" etc. they couldn't get the funding they needed to do what they wanted to so it turned out how it did. being obsessed with this little flick since it scared me to death for many years(saw it when i was 11 and still wont step near a manhole to this day, lol) i found this site, , check it out. it explains how the movie came to be, lots of cool stuff on this site.


"On the latter, we can hopefully pull it off as well as
recent revisions such as Dawn of the Dead and The Hills Have Eyes."
Oh JOY, what more could I possibly ask for?? ... -_-

"I've been living off toxic waste for years, and I'm fine! Just ask my other heads!"



Two points I'd like to make...

I REALLY hope that they do the remake right, I doubt that they will though. I will scream if Nick Cannon or Lindsay Lohan somehow get cast in the remake.

Second, Rap music is to the 90's & 00's what Led Zepplin was to the 60's & 70's.

Just a way to p*ss off the older generation. Rap will be replaced with something else when 45 year olds are listening to it and their kids want nothing to do with that.


first off, thats bull about not being able to find out who owns the rights to the movie, again, all the info you need is right here, , last time i was on the sight i emailed them asking if there was any turth about a remake in the works.. i got no reply.


I haven't seen the movie in four years but I do know that looking at this flick with adult eyes and being that it was in the 80's, I know it looks cheesy but when I had first seen this movie WWWAAAAAAAIIIIYYYYYYYYYEEEEE back in the days, I was traumatized,lol.
It's a great movie regardless of who says different. I mean the main guy's wife and her poodle are the first to get killed in the beginning of the film, then you have new york powertics trying to mislead the suspicious by lying about the C.H.U.D. acronym, and in NYC where's there's alot of homeless and the thought of toxic waster in the 80's, come on, it's classic.
How can you ignore chopping off a big, twisty chud neck with glowing eyes with (I think)a samurai sword?-priceless.


Fans of this film should checkout DEADPIT HORROR TALK RADIO. Google and enjoy.


you people all make me sick, chud sucked and it always will. don't even get me started on chud 2.


WWWAAAAAAAIIIIYYYYYYYYYEEEEE back in the days, I was traumatized,lol." you? i still won't walk over a manhole cover to this day! lol!! anyway, chud is a classic, chud 2 sucked ass. if you like this movie then you'll love the book "reliquary" by preston & child, check it out.

"I have something to say.. it's better to burn out than to fade away!"


