Wow this sucked!

As a fan of horror movies, I finally rented this movie. This goes down as the most boring horror movie I have ever seen. The creatures are shown for a total of 5 minutes.Since no gore was shown, this defeats the purpose of a low budget horror movie. Besides nostalgia value if you saw this as a kid, can anyone tell me why they liked this?

"I could eat a peach for hours."


I bought this movie, it sucks yes.



Because it's cheesy fun. Not every low budget horror movie has to have gore.


Personally, i have strong memories of this movie. Psychological horror more than just gore.

What is the more frightening ? Seeing the creatures during all the movie in each scene, or during the most climatic moments ?

Maybe i should see it again (i was 13 at the time)... IF the Region 2 DVD was commercially available ;)


Compared to "CHUD 2: Bud The CHUD", this movie was a *beep* masterpiece.


This movie was good in one way, and that is if you watch it for fun. I collect all kinds of crappy horror movies, such as Snowbeast...eep....and many more. But as a fan of the horror genre, I can say that this movie is a fun one to watch for a laugh. We had a party about a year ago to watch these kinds of movies, one of them was CHUD....

If you're looking for a visual masterpiece of horror, look elsewhere though.

Randy Engle



This movie is more gory than much others supposed gore films like Cabin Fever, for example
And CHUD is a fun monster movie


